- I understand your point completely, and I've already explained that you don't need to ''press 100 buttons just to do one move''. You're talking nonsense. Some of the weapons being ''useless in the grand scheme of things''... sigh. I just spent a while explaining why they are not useless, and that they are only useless in your view. Sure, you could use only one weapon and one style, but that's not what the DMC games are about. And you know what, you CAN use one weapon and one style, so I don't see where your problem stems from. 'Finger twitching'? What on earth are you talking about? DMC3 or DMC4 are not difficult games that require you to press 100 buttons and constantly switch styles or weapons or anything. Everything is neatly packed under like three buttons: x is for guns, y is for melee, b is for style moves. The rest is just a matter of timing. Like I said, the game gives you choices, and you're not bound to anything, and overall, your criticism makes no sense. I'm not going to explain again.
- I ''proved DMC and its terrible plots''? What does that mean? I just explained to you that DMC never tried to be ''something more''. DMC4's story is pretty basic, and that was the whole idea. Over the course of about three comments I've explained that the DMCs' stories are simply there because the games needed plots for their gameplay and the nature of their characters. The games are gameplay-driven, not story-driven. Its story is subservient to the gameplay, and comes in third place according to importance. Then comes the graphics, and the soundtrack is last.
- I'm not sure you can call it button-mashing. This isn't Ninety-Nine Nights, it's DMC. Most of the gameplay revolves around timing and combining combos, not mashing buttons. If you're just mashing the Y and B buttons, I can understand why you dislike its gameplay: you're not doing any combos! lol :laugh:
So you don't like the deeper kind of hack and slash games. That's your problem, not DMC's. You're free to play any other H&S game, so I don't see why you're even here. Everybody's got different tastes.