I have the 'Son of Sparda' Edition pre-ordered from Gamestop UK. I'll probably just be frozen looking at the case for a good while . Seriously, after 2 years it almost doesn't feel real. I was exactly like this when DMC 4 was coming out :lol:.
I have the 'Son of Sparda' Edition pre-ordered from Gamestop UK
Stay on topic please. Its called " Your reactions" not "your opinions". No disrespect but I like my threads to stay on topic as best as I can.Just curious, if you happen to be disapointed in the game (or any other game you buy for fullprice) wouldn't you regret spending 60$~?
In my case, I have played the DmC demo several times to know that I won't get any enjoyment out of the game. They changed too much for it to bear the name DMC. It's a decent action title on its own for sure but it isn't a DMC game.
In my opinion that is.