o, in the end, the truth is that DmC does Vergil wrong. It adds nothing to the myth and lore of the Yamato, and makes it feel like a short, flimsy rebellion clone, put into the hands of someone who is neither fast nor precise.
Yeah, boy he sure is so
weak and slow. Also, even disregarding the injury, this Vergil is not fully in control of all his skills, as he becomes stronger and older, so will his moves, I think you won't argue that this most likely a conscious decision.
Anyway, once again, the rapid slash is designed to weave moves into, it does not require a player to cancel it with trick or trick down, it seamlessly transitions into upperslash or rising slash. You can transition out of rapid slash in a similarly aggressive fashion as DMC3 Vergil but now you have various other choices. It would be stupid to limit the potential applications of a move like rapid slash just so you can have you close ended animation that leaves little room for flexibility.
I repeat, a trick up or trick down is not required, the animations are strung together at the end of rapid slash, so you are misunderstanding the mechanic I am trying to describe. *hits head against wall*
Another thing about rapid slash, the move is supposed something that speeds through an enemy. In DMC3, it feels like a mix between stinger and a weird teleport through enemy mechanic. Since you can't chain any move into it, you just have to rapid slash behind an enemy and then start a fresh animation. In DmC, I feel like it makes way more sense, that he would turn himself around to face the enemy he just dashed through. It just seems like the logical thing to do, fly through an enemy at lighting speed, and then turn around. I mean I guess they could have automatically made it so you just trick up behind an enemy after the movement is finished, but why, all that would do is limit the newly improved system, where you can use any move at any moment during the dash? Considering all this don't you think your anger and hatred towards the animation seems a tad bit absurd.
I don't even know what to say regarding helmbreaker, if it wasn't one handed where you do suppose Vergil would put his sheath for the Yamato. There was a reason the version in DMC3 was with
Force Edge. Vergil has never used two hands to hold the Yamato because of his sheath.
And lets say, he held it to the side, like in DMC3 with Force Edge, it'd still be strange and unnecessary, considering there is another heavy attack the player can use, making this one have similar properties would be redundant. The way DmC does it is great, because it doesn't break the single hand only attacks tradition with Yamato yet still finds a way to add more moves for it.
I mean, I guess I should ask, if they named it something else like downward slash then you'd have no problems with it?