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why all this pessimism about Dmc ??


white force
Well here is the thing, DmC Dante exists only in DMC. He has never been in any other games. DmC is not Dmc, it´s a new serie. And DmC Dante is not DMC Dante.

From what i have seen of DmC Dante is that he´s a copy of DMC 3 Dante with Ninja theory´s vision of what´s cool (physical and personality wise).

I´m sure DmC Dante has great potential to become a very great character.
But from where i stand, i have no interest in a character made by someone who can´t even show respect to the original character.

And that´s the whole point of this topic "Why are people hating on DmC Dante?".
what the hell??? i think its not a new dante .. see the gameplay dante has the abilty to be the old dante with white hair ... i see that the DmC must be the begining of the story of dante .. i mean we almost dont know anything about his life


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
what the hell??? i think its not a new dante .. see the gameplay dante has the abilty to be the old dante with white hair ... i see that the DmC must be the begining of the story of dante .. i mean we almost dont know anything about his life
It´s not a prequel that tells the beginning of Dante.

It´s a reboot with alternative story about a new Dante.
Original Dante isn´t half angel and half demon. Neither is his white hair a result of demonic power.


I'm just some guy who really like Devil May Cry
Well here is the thing, DmC Dante exists only in DMC. He has never been in any other games. DmC is not Dmc, it´s a new serie. And DmC Dante is not DMC Dante.

From what i have seen of DmC Dante is that he´s a copy of DMC 3 Dante with Ninja theory´s vision of what´s cool (physical and personality wise).

I´m sure DmC Dante has great potential to become a very great character.
But from where i stand, i have no interest in a character made by someone who can´t even show respect to the original character.

And that´s the whole point of this topic "Why are people hating on DmC Dante?".

well at least you acknowledge his potential. but why do you say they have no respect for the original. i mean the creaters of DMC are working pretty closely with NT


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
well at least you acknowledge his potential. but why do you say they have no respect for the original. i mean the creaters of DMC are working pretty closely with NT
Dante´s creator isn´t working closely with NT. However, the CREATORS of gameplay from DMC (Hideki being one of them) is working closely with Nt.

Despite DmC Dante being a rebooted character Tameem Antoniades said DmC Dante is way he is because DMC Dante was outdated. He also said that if DMC Dante went into a bar he would get laughed at.


white force
It´s not a prequel that tells the beginning of Dante.

It´s a reboot with alternative story about a new Dante.
Original Dante isn´t half angel and half demon. Neither is his white hair a result of demonic power.
no i see the trailer wright now , its dante of dmc 3 : old rebellion , red coat .. white hair see it again


The inFAAMous
One of the most appealing aspects of the New Dante is how much more believable He is compared to the old one. Sure, the old one was great, and had a very iconic look, but let's face it; How often will You see someone walking passed You on the street with a long red trench coat and impossibly styled virgin blonde hair? Unless you're at the most unoriginal Cosplay event in the World, not very often.

Also, Welcome, Nazi Dante.


white force
One of the most appealing aspects of the New Dante is how much more believable He is compared to the old one. Sure, the old one was great, and had a very iconic look, but let's face it; How often will You see someone walking passed You on the street with a long red trench coat and impossibly styled virgin blonde hair? Unless you're at the most unoriginal Cosplay event in the World, not very often.

Also, Welcome, Nazi Dante.
THX totaly true what u'v said ...


Well-known Member
You don´t have to play as DmC Dante to judge his look.

People are against DmC because of the developers ****ty attitude, using DMC to attract players for DmC, etc.

For example the point of DmC is to appeal to western gamers, and not the fans of DMC. That is why they rebooted. Sure they have done things to not totally alienate DMC fans but these things are there just as a compromise so that Capcom does not loose to many fans of DMC serie.

DmC Dante could been a new character, but instead they made him into a reboot of Dante. And while doing that the lead developer of DmC expressed his opinions about Dante from DMC as if it was facts.
He also made unnecessary comparisons with the two characters to defend why they made this "changed" Dante.

He said:
- Dante was outdated
- That he would get laughed out in a bar in tokyo

Omg, he didnt say Dante was outdated. He was talking about what he wore. And he said he'd get laughed out of any bar outside of Tokyo, because of what he wore. And it's totally true.


Well-known Member
Why are people pessimistic about DmC? Because everyone has a right to their own opinion and not everyone is going to like something. It doesn't matter how good something is; there are always going to be people who don't like it. What I don't understand is why people get all upset when someone doesn't like what they've seen of the game so far. Yes, they have not played it yet, but neither have any of the people who think the game is going to be great. It's two sides of the same coin.


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
Omg, he didnt say Dante was outdated. He was talking about what he wore. And he said he'd get laughed out of any bar outside of Tokyo, because of what he wore. And it's totally true.
“It’s about Dante being cool and making you feel cool when you’re playing it, and so the combat and the style system and everything is integral to that.”
“But, you know, what was cool 12 years ago, I think that was when the first game came out, isn’t cool anymore,”
“If Dante, dressed as he was, walked into any bar outside of Tokyo, he’d get laughed out."

See her is ironic thing, this guy would get laughed out in a pub:

But this guy won´t?:

It doesn´t matter how Dante looks like. Personally i find him very bad ass, and if he came into a pub i would´t laugh at him but be in awe.

But both Monkey and Dante are video game characters. It´s beyond stupidity to take a video game character, and say "He would get laughed out in a pub". It´s the whole point of why it´s a video game character, BECAUSE it´s not a REAL person!

As i said i would not laugh at Dante if he came into a pub. I wouldn't laugh at Monkey either. But putting a video game into a real live scenario to make a point is absurd and stupid.


The Dark Brawler
So disrespecting a character is OK? Well that´s your way of looking at it. But way i see it there was no point of
saying that original Dante was outdated or that he would get laughed out in a bar BECAUSE a rebooted character should not answer to what the real character is like.
And i was just explaining to Nazi Dante why people aren´t so happy about the character that is DmC Dante.

Also who is Tomonubu?

Firstly isn't that what a rebooted character should be, an answer to the existing one. If you're rebooting a character it to add new and ideas and to take away old bad ones to make that character more identifiable to the times and/or people it is directed towards. Anyway, I'm a fan of Capcom games even though the company has done a whole lot of *doo doo* (in regards to SFxTekken DLCs and more) during this year, it really hasn't turned me from their games.

Well Tomonubu Itagaki is the creator of Ninja Gaiden1&2. He always talked smack about DMC (and Tekken), about how the character sucks, the combat sucks and how much the enemies suck.


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
Firstly isn't that what a rebooted character should be, an answer to the existing one. If you're rebooting a character it to add new and ideas and to take away old bad ones to make that character more identifiable to the times and/or people it is directed towards. Anyway, I'm a fan of Capcom games even though the company has done a whole lot of *doo doo* (in regards to SFxTekken DLCs and more) during this year, it really hasn't turned me from their games.

Well Tomonubu Itagaki is the creator of Ninja Gaiden1&2. He always talked smack about DMC (and Tekken), about how the character sucks, the combat sucks and how much the enemies suck.
Actually reboots are means for corporations to change whatever they want with a already existing movie or game to appeal to new fans, but at same time attract fan base of the original movie/game.

And reboots are excuse to change things. So DmC Dante being a rebooted character should´t need to answer to original Dante. Noone should ask "Why is DmC Dante hair black and not white?" or "Why is he a smoker".
It does´t matter because a rebooted character is a rebooted character. The term "reboot" from what i am aware have been defined by corporations to change a popular thing for monetary gain.

If you want to make Dante (original one) a better character you will do a lot research, and take everything that makes him Dante, and add more positive things.
But that is not the case here. DmC is not a remake but a reboot. The term "REBOOT" allows them to change things as they seem fit.

And Tomnubu Itagaki is not in same position as Ninja theory´s Tameem Antoniades. T.A has been disrespectful to original Dante without reasons, and he´s making the reboot version of Dante!
If Tomonubu Itagaki was in similar situation like T.A, i give you my word every fans of serie Tomonubua Itagaki is rebooting would be angry at him.


Nothing is true, everything is permitted
What Tameem said about Dante is irrevelant because:

1. Dante doesn't exist, so him being outside a Tokyo bar is impossible.
2. In the games, no one laughed about his look.


I'm just some guy who really like Devil May Cry
they dont always need reasons to make a reboot, other than they (the creators) are tired of the current character, felt theyce made one too many mistakes and want to take it in a different direction. or start again use what theyve created the first time round and inprove it. heres a prime example:

you have classic batman (not adam west classic) now he got pretty serious from time to time. and he was pretty cool. but in the end the creator at DC felt that it just wasnt going right. sales were fine, popularity in media was fine. but something about batman was off. so they decided to scrap their current batman and change it to a much darker and more psychological story. suddenly batman wasnt the perfect man.i mean he was a man who trained his whole life to fight crime and wears a bat costume in a world where people holding the country hostage is no surprise. so realistically he became a dark, brooding and slightly ill man who was driven by obsession. no more did he have the bat chopper, bat arrang, and bat shark repellent (LOL) but weapons designed to incapacate people and martial arts skill thatd make bruce lee back off . his costume was no longer funny. it was battle armour desgined to scare criminals. his enemies had changed even more. the joker TO THIS DAY is the worlds greatest villain. not some gravity/magical/planet eating monster. but a man with a knife, maybe a gun and a flower full of nerve gas. but if you said i could choose between glatactus and the joker. id pick the giant planet eater any day of the year.

i understand DmC is not as extreme as batman but you can see similarities. Dante was awesome.buuut the creators wanted freedom to explore routes they had rendered unusable thanx to what the did previously. eg mundus, real world setting, Vergil. so they went to NT. and NT said "look, if youre gonna do this you have to do this right" you want a real world setting for this. Dante is gonna have to look realistic. no body where full bright red trench coats. EVER ANYWHERE. dante grew up essentially under attack and persecuted. no way is he gonna be soo up beat and cheerful at least not at the start. and one thing lead to another until we have what we see hear. in my opinion an improved dante (at least from what i can gather from whats here)


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
they dont always need reasons to make a reboot, other than they (the creators) are tired of the current character, felt theyce made one too many mistakes and want to take it in a different direction. or start again use what theyve created the first time round and inprove it. heres a prime example:

you have classic batman (not adam west classic) now he got pretty serious from time to time. and he was pretty cool. but in the end the creator at DC felt that it just wasnt going right. sales were fine, popularity in media was fine. but something about batman was off. so they decided to scrap their current batman and change it to a much darker and more psychological story. suddenly batman wasnt the perfect man.i mean he was a man who trained his whole life to fight crime and wears a bat costume in a world where people holding the country hostage is no surprise. so realistically he became a dark, brooding and slightly ill man who was driven by obsession. no more did he have the bat chopper, bat arrang, and bat shark repellent (LOL) but weapons designed to incapacate people and martial arts skill thatd make bruce lee back off . his costume was no longer funny. it was battle armour desgined to scare criminals. his enemies had changed even more. the joker TO THIS DAY is the worlds greatest villain. not some gravity/magical/planet eating monster. but a man with a knife, maybe a gun and a flower full of nerve gas. but if you said i could choose between glatactus and the joker. id pick the giant planet eater any day of the year.

i understand DmC is not as extreme as batman but you can see similarities. Dante was awesome.buuut the creators wanted freedom to explore routes they had rendered unusable thanx to what the did previously. eg mundus, real world setting, Vergil. so they went to NT. and NT said "look, if youre gonna do this you have to do this right" you want a real world setting for this. Dante is gonna have to look realistic. no body where full bright red trench coats. EVER ANYWHERE. dante grew up essentially under attack and persecuted. no way is he gonna be soo up beat and cheerful at least not at the start. and one thing lead to another until we have what we see thear. in my opinion an improved dante (at least from what i can gather from whats here)
You don´t understand. If it wash´t a reboot it could be a spiritual successor to DMC.

A spiritual successor gives developers a lot of freedom.

But when you reboot and keep the ip name, the character(s) name(s), a lot of story etc:
Then your doing it for sales.

Because let´s look reality: Ninja theory making a new story and character would had good chances of success without the DMC name.

But Capcom decided to do a reboot - and as always you must asked WHY? Answer: Sales.


The Dark Brawler
Actually reboots are means for corporations to change whatever they want with a already existing movie or game to appeal to new fans, but at same time attract fan base of the original movie/game.

And reboots are excuse to change things. So DmC Dante being a rebooted character should´t need to answer to original Dante. Noone should ask "Why is DmC Dante hair black and not white?" or "Why is he a smoker".
It does´t matter because a rebooted character is a rebooted character. The term "reboot" from what i am aware have been defined by corporations to change a popular thing for monetary gain.

If you want to make Dante (original one) a better character you will do a lot research, and take everything that makes him Dante, and add more positive things.
But that is not the case here. DmC is not a remake but a reboot. The term "REBOOT" allows them to change things as they seem fit.

Wow. You are truly "ignorant and close minded" if you don't realize that what I said and what you said are two sides of the same coin. Of course it's about money, what else would it be about for the big Corporations, but at the same time, the games themselves are being made by passionate people putting a lot of time and effort to give us something we don't really need and hoping we'll like it enough so they can feed their families and make even more games.

The undertone of this game about being brain washed and controlled is basically what you are talking about. I'm really surprised you're against this game and Tameem as much as you are since you're so into conspiracy theories.


The Dark Brawler
they dont always need reasons to make a reboot, other than they (the creators) are tired of the current character, felt theyce made one too many mistakes and want to take it in a different direction. or start again use what theyve created the first time round and inprove it. heres a prime example:

you have classic batman (not adam west classic) now he got pretty serious from time to time. and he was pretty cool. but in the end the creator at DC felt that it just wasnt going right. sales were fine, popularity in media was fine. but something about batman was off. so they decided to scrap their current batman and change it to a much darker and more psychological story. suddenly batman wasnt the perfect man.i mean he was a man who trained his whole life to fight crime and wears a bat costume in a world where people holding the country hostage is no surprise. so realistically he became a dark, brooding and slightly ill man who was driven by obsession. no more did he have the bat chopper, bat arrang, and bat shark repellent (LOL) but weapons designed to incapacate people and martial arts skill thatd make bruce lee back off . his costume was no longer funny. it was battle armour desgined to scare criminals. his enemies had changed even more. the joker TO THIS DAY is the worlds greatest villain. not some gravity/magical/planet eating monster. but a man with a knife, maybe a gun and a flower full of nerve gas. but if you said i could choose between glatactus and the joker. id pick the giant planet eater any day of the year.

i understand DmC is not as extreme as batman but you can see similarities. Dante was awesome.buuut the creators wanted freedom to explore routes they had rendered unusable thanx to what the did previously. eg mundus, real world setting, Vergil. so they went to NT. and NT said "look, if youre gonna do this you have to do this right" you want a real world setting for this. Dante is gonna have to look realistic. no body where full bright red trench coats. EVER ANYWHERE. dante grew up essentially under attack and persecuted. no way is he gonna be soo up beat and cheerful at least not at the start. and one thing lead to another until we have what we see hear. in my opinion an improved dante (at least from what i can gather from whats here)

You said it man. And for McdD, there is still hope for a continuation of the original DMC canon. They stated it in an interview I saw on gametrailers.com


Well-known Member
“It’s about Dante being cool and making you feel cool when you’re playing it, and so the combat and the style system and everything is integral to that.”
“But, you know, what was cool 12 years ago, I think that was when the first game came out, isn’t cool anymore,”
“If Dante, dressed as he was, walked into any bar outside of Tokyo, he’d get laughed out."

See her is ironic thing, this guy would get laughed out in a pub:

But this guy won´t?:

It doesn´t matter how Dante looks like. Personally i find him very bad ass, and if he came into a pub i would´t laugh at him but be in awe.

But both Monkey and Dante are video game characters. It´s beyond stupidity to take a video game character, and say "He would get laughed out in a pub". It´s the whole point of why it´s a video game character, BECAUSE it´s not a REAL person!

As i said i would not laugh at Dante if he came into a pub. I wouldn't laugh at Monkey either. But putting a video game into a real live scenario to make a point is absurd and stupid.

The picture of Monkey isn't even relevant to this discussion, as Monkey is based in a post-apocalyptic world. So of course he'd be dressed in a rundown or awkward way.

For the most part, DMC was based in a somewhat MODERN world. They said they wanted to update that world to a totally modern setting like ours. Old Dante WOULD NOT work in our world outside of Japan, really.

It isn't hard to understand where the guy was coming from, and I feel like people are being difficult for the sake of it. Like they have to criticize everything.

Sure, this is just a game, so ultimately it doesn't matter. But if they intend to make it more like our world, of course it matters!


I'm just some guy who really like Devil May Cry
You don´t understand. If it wash´t a reboot it could be a spiritual successor to DMC.
A spiritual successor gives developers a lot of freedom.
But when you reboot and keep the ip name, the character(s) name(s), a lot of story etc:
Then your doing it for sales.
Because let´s look reality: Ninja theory making a new story and character would had good chances of success without the DMC name.
But Capcom decided to do a reboot - and as always you must asked WHY? Answer: Sales.

NOOO, if capcom and NT did this as an original piece, they probably would have gained MORE sales and support. look at E3 Watch Dogs and the last of us were among the best rated simply because they werent sequels. hell itd be even more acclaimed as itd be a reveloutionary new step for capcom. the reason the rebooted dmc was because they felt it was getting stale and repetitive. they wanted a fresh start without the limitations of existing cannon, so they could do the DMC story properly without so many time jumps and plot holes


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
Wow. You are truly "ignorant and close minded" if you don't realize that what I said and what you said are two sides of the same coin. Of course it's about money, what else would it be about for the big Corporations, but at the same time, the games themselves are being made by passionate people putting a lot of time and effort to give us something we don't really need and hoping we'll like it enough so they can feed their families and make even more games.

The undertone of this game about being brain washed and controlled is basically what you are talking about. I'm really surprised you're against this game and Tameem as much as you are since you're so into conspiracy theories.
4:46- 5:14
Passionate Capcom game developers my ass.

Or how about the Tekken x SF disc lockedcontroversy?
Or how about the "Ultimate" Marvel vs Capcom 3 crap?

as far as Tameem Antoniades goes:

"From my point of view there's only one way to try and make a successful game, and that's to make the game you want to play. A game that everyone involved is proud of. So from that point of view I don't care if it sells a thousand units or two million units. I believe the time you spend making something has to be worthwhile. You've got 20 productive years of work in your life; if you're gonna spend ten or 15 percent of it on something, make it worthwhile."

You have to trust your gut, Antoniades insisted. "Philosophically, the way to make a successful game is to believe in what you're doing, then hope that sales follow. I'm not trying to design around what I think people will want. That's where you get into creative bankruptcy. That, more than anything, will kill a series."

Though i agree with Tameem in that you should make a game you and the people involved in are proud of, that way of thinking only applies when your making a new game (Spiritual successor/new game). After you have gained support of fans their input matters a lot.
DmC isn´t proclaimed as a new game, neither is it part of DMC serie, neither is it proclaimed as a spiritual successor.

As you can see Tameem Antoniades really cares more about making a game that he and his team can be proud of than a game us gamers will like.
He also has expressed that he does not care if DmC sells 1000 or 2M units. So where is the "Trying to earn a living to feed their family"?

And why should Ninja theory leader care about DmC if it sells 1000 or 2M units? His company still get paid independent of game selling 0 or 3M.
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