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When someone's entire YouTube channel is dedicated to either making fun of things or complaining about things, I can't help but wonder how well adjusted this person is. :unsure:

+ What's with everyone complaining about Wattpad stories? Y'all out there, actin' like we weren't out there on FFN and LJ back in the day, posting the worst stuff we could come up with and thinking we were literal gods for writing terrible, incoherent, physically impossible smut scenes and cringey instalove and over-the-top fight scenes or, if you're a reader, eating all that up like you were starving, and now y'all complaining about Wattpad? smh Don't get mad at others just cuz your past is coming back to haunt you now.
I had a swell time at the Renaissance Fair today. I even picked up a sword that fits the aesthetic of my outfit pretty nicely.
S&F first draft, done. Is it satisfactory? So-so. Either way, I'm not looking at it again for a while. And holy hell, 5700-5800 words today? No wonder my back is so sore. x_x

Oh, gods...here it comes. That ridiculous withdrawal moments after finishing something. For heaven's sake, it's not like I haven't got many drafts ahead of me before it's publication-ready. >.> Or other stories still in need of editing and writing....
Trying to decode symbols and such for alchemy and studying hieroglyphs has put into perspective for me on how to decipher the Bible's book of Revelations (also Daniel speaks about the beasts).
People need to stop singling out Trump. He's only one pawn and plays a more supportive role in the grand scheme of things.
The beasts of Daniel:
There are four beasts (kingdoms).
"The first was like a lion (Great Britain), and had eagle’s wings (America): I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked(America separated from Great Britain in 1776), and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man’s heart was given to it." (aka, Great Britain stopped colonizing and conquering the rest of the world - like a verocious lion - and became more sensible and restrained -like a man').
"...another beast, a second, like to a bear (RUSSIA), and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs (these are 3 former soviet republics, one possibly being Ukraine) in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh (capable of killing millions of people as did Lenin and Stalin)." (This is also going to tick off the West)
"After this I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard (Germany), which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl(France); the beast had also four heads (4 reichs: 1 - the Holy Roman Empire, 2 - the German Empire, 3 - Adolf Hitler's rule, and 4 - the European Union); and dominion was given to it."

The beasts of Revelation:
"...saw A BEAST (singular, one kingdom, aka One World Order/New World Order) rise up out of the sea, having seven heads (1 - lion/Great Britain, 1 - bear/Russia, 4 - leopard/Germany, 1 - dreadful beast) and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns (10 world leaders), and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. (2) And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death (this is Germany); and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast."
Russia and Europe will unite under 'Socialism' through the UN. This is the final dreadful beast mentioned.
10 World leaders through the UN will declare WW3 on radical Islam which will annihilate one third of humanity.

And before anyone wants to poke me with their pitchforks here about not all muslims being crazy mfers, don't bother. The Jews and the Christians are next on the Hit List.
Might as well finish jotting down the plot/sub-plot notes I started back when I hit that last snag in S&F. They might seem moot now, but I'm sure they'll come in handy later when I'm ready to edit.

+Posters, why you no show up yet? >.<

++Now that it's done, I'm a lot less vehement against having to deal with a visit next week. Go figure.
I've reached the point in my life where whenever I see or hear the words "North America," my mind automatically follows it up with "skyscraper under construction."
Had a dream that I bought 6 Kingdom Hearts figurines and spent the whole dream worrying over whether this was a good purchasing decision and then it took me 5 minutes after waking up to realize it didn't actually happen.
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Apparently taking a break from any kind of writing doesn't increase my productivity in other areas of my life. It's like I need the writing to coax me into doing housework. Or maybe it's just because I know I'm going to spend most of Monday and Tuesday doing it anyway, so what's the point of doing anything beyond the basics beforehand? Both. I'll just go with both. :cautious: On the plus side, I'm back to devouring books like I'll die if I don't read huge chunks of them at a time.

+Pretty sure this song is going to be perma-stuck in my head until I find another one to take its place. So pretty much the usual.
I'm babysitting my friend's daughter overnight who has special needs because he's working long hours and no one else is available to have her. I got new chairs for work and told all the kids last night not to sit on it or play with it because they might break it. This morning I wake up to all the chairs having been flung around the lounge and lying upside down and on various sides, and I'm told oh she's the one who threw them and when the others told her off she said 'I don't care'.
So I snapped at her to put MY chairs back the way they were and NOT to touch them again or something VERY unpleasant will happen to her.

I have to go dye my hair and then get ready to go out to the shops to buy stuff for lasagna.
I'm also tired and super grumpy so I've resorted to growling at the kids and keeping my vocab to yes, no, later, and go away.