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another month of terrible games for ps plus, whoopee

great idea for a movie: the apocalypse happens and society ends and then years later a surviving generation come out of caves with no knowledge of the old world and the only surviving pieces of culture are DVDs of sitcoms

the friends from Friends and various patrons from Cheers become the new gods and are split between two pantheons. The Friends religion and the Cheers religion go to war and it's like the crusades or something and people are fighting over whether Ross or Frasier are the true god
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fireworks are for clowns none of the people who made all that ruckus at night fought in the independence war bunch of troublemaking losers!
Been thinking about DmC. Back when I first played it, it bothered me how easy the game was. But going back to it now I feel differently. After repeatedly getting the crapped kicked out of me as I slowly made my way through DMC3 and 4 on Hard, and now getting destroyed as I slowly work my way through DMC3 on Very Hard, I really do appreciate how DmC tones it down so I can enjoy the action without wanting to break my controller. :laugh:
another month of terrible games for ps plus, whoopee

great idea for a movie: the apocalypse happens and society ends and then years later a surviving generation come out of caves with no knowledge of the old world and the only surviving pieces of culture are DVDs of sitcoms

the friends from Friends and various patrons from Cheers become the new gods and are split between two pantheons. The Friends religion and the Cheers religion go to war and it's like the crusades or something and people are fighting over whether Ross or Frasier are the true god

That sounds absolutely fire. Reminds me of the Kings from Fallout: New Vegas. Might as well have '90s nostalgia in general as the defining cultural precedent for your post-apocalyptic society. Max Max style skateboards, ratty neon Starter jackets, '90s boy band pop hits on HitClips as a valued commodity, high-stakes pog games, Nintendo 64 controllers as boomerangs... go hog wild man! Don't let your dreams just be dreams.

I know this is unsolicitied, but I too like to worldbuild and have these elaborate ass highdeas. My own post-apocalyptic novel's universe has a band of Disney-worshipping cultists in Mickey Mouse hats. Their pantheon consists of characters from Disney's movies and a ramshackle, fortress-like DisneyWorld is their base of operations and holy city. They duke it out in the misty, irradiated death zone of Florida against a roving band of drug-peddling, mumble-rapping raiders with multicolored dreadlocks and face tattoos.

There are also actual Crusaders: the Holy Dominion of the New Vatican which is like a radical traditionalist Catholic ISIS with a serious middle ages fetish. My novel will basically be about the main characters wrecking the Dominion's sh*t and starting a revolution against them. My protagonist is an anarchist / Satanist / communist who's like a mix between the Punisher, Che Guevara, and the frontman for an old-school death metal band. He brands an upside down cross into his own forehead at one point, and tortures a dude by hog-tying him and shoving sticks of dynamite up his ass. When he's one of the good guys, you know you're in for one grimdark world.
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England won.


This stupid children's game continues to dominate. The further we get, the harder it is to find a decent pub with decent seats and no sweaty shirtless overweight chavs spilling beer all over you, chanting incoherently and generally wasting space.

I really do despise football...
Hopefully doing this over multiple platforms will increase the odds of it garnering interest. ._.

+I think the best thing to do to keep myself on target is give myself some sort of (loose) deadline, and make a list of things I want to do/take care of afterwards. Now whether I'll be able to meet said deadline is another matter... :unsure:
While it's nice that GameFreak have been putting their Pokémon game OSTs on iTunes, I wish Nintendo would do the same for the anime's music.

Like this anime remix of the old 8-bit Ecruteak/Cianwood city theme is just gorgeous. :thumbsup:
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im thinking i dont need forever people who want to live in the sky foerever with god are fools and since i been dyng for the longest i dont want to go to heaven or be cloned i didnt enjoy this life but i dont care anymore people who got cancer or any other disease should die without cures because people are evil you know what s the last thing they did to me in the hospital they changed me from one room and put in another room in a bed of some white fat stinky person in the university then they gave me this injection that gave me ed dont even need a woman anymore so i hope you all have better luck than me because i would had never done the evil things they did to me to anybody i didnt do 911 but good the usa deserved it like van dame says to a cop on a movie when he asks van damme to make some evidence dissapear then he gets fired pray for me that i die soon or go back to my country
"What the hell I got fired for no reason!"

No you got fired because you have a history of toxic behavior and being confrontational and rude unnecessarily to people online. Get outta here.

Who the hell is taking a shower and/or sweating profusely at the end of I Fought the Law?
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So like, Prince Harry dropped £8000 on a rare first edition Winnie the Pooh book as a Christening gift to Prince Louis...He ain't gonna appreciate that, give it to me instead! :bored:

"What the hell I got fired for no reason!"
No you got fired because you have a history of toxic behavior and being confrontational and rude unnecessarily to people online. Get outta here.
Ayy, I got that reference. :wink: