Hmm...maybe I should stream a little Fallout tomorrow...pretty late in the game, though...people might not want to see that.
Hey man, if you soil yourself during an Kojira invasion (other crises are available) then at least you don't have to travel far to get a spare pair.Just when I was starting to have faith in humanity I discover the Japanese Panty Vending Machine....
Could somebody please explain to me what the butt is going on over there?!... (Head explodes)
(Yes I meant "butt!") :bored:
Those panty vending machines were outlawed decades ago.Did I forget to mention that said panties are manufactured to appear used? @LordOfDarkness @Blackquill
Then...Their are young teen girls actually selling their underwear on the Internet... With a additional charge you can also get their spit and poop in a Tupperware container!
I wish I was joking. Japan is strange place... Still LOVE their Giant Robots thou!
Just when I was starting to have faith in humanity I discover the Japanese Panty Vending Machine....
Could somebody please explain to me what the butt is going on over there?!... (Head explodes)
(Yes I meant "butt!") :bored: