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what a day on tuesday went into town and looked in cex and game for metroid prime trilogy and if they had it metroid other m gmae had neither but cex had other m......turns out a guy just bought it online though so i got metroid prime hunters.......i said i wasn't leaving empty handed :cool:
Been playing so much Mass Effect lately. lol There was a time I didn't really care about the game. Didn't feel inclined to get it. Then a friend played it, told me about the comedy. Decided to get it, wanting some laughs. Got an amazing game in the process. A strong story. Bioware sure as hell knows how to make a story.
+ Uh oh. Writing drive just died. T-T Come back!
It's not dead, I stole it :p

+I wish they kept their word. Why can't people keep their word? You may not be a believer but it'd be pretty nice if people could adapt Jesus' teachings of let your yes be your yes and your no be your no.
++I have to wait until Monday for the results now :'( I'm in two minds on this: my one mind is saying it's probably just a little bit of flu and I'm stressing for no reason, my other mind is still running and screaming crazily in all directions.
+++Good thing I'm a little better. Would NOT be good for my self-destructive ego that my therapist forgot our appointment AGAIN.:|
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La lala la la. I has new sword. New sword is actually two knives in one. X3 There's a really pretty elven pattern on the blades. X3

Like in real life? Do you have pictures of them, because I would love to see them. ^^
I love exotic fantasy weapons and elven blades.
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It's not dead, I stole it :P

:O Can I has it back? :P

Like in real life? Do you have pictures of them, because I would love to see them. ^^
I love exotic fantasy weapons and elven blades.

Yeah, I do. ^^ No pictures yet. =) I'll try and get some soon.
I love them, too. *adores her sword collectionf for that reason*
Nice signature, by the way. XD
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First drafts suck.
No wonder I never go back to edit them.
Also, I need to pee.

+I'm gonna get a book! I'm so curious! I wonder what book he's picking for me!
++I missed my DMC.org anniversary again, didn't I? That's okay. I had pikelets today so :p
Can't remember. Shoot.
Sometimes younger witches annoy the heck out of me. 1) I said I wasn't sharing spells with people that aren't friends because that's personal. 2) I know most of them are doing this to annoy their family, so wtf is the point? 3) If all they want is a love spell, then they're idiots. Love spells take away free will. Any spell that takes away free will is bad magic. I'm a good witch and a healer and seer. Go do the math.
the day i go crazy is.....today!

im banging 7 gram rocks, im epic winning, im bi-winning, whats not to love?, thats how i party, i have one gear go, if he borrowed my brain he'd be like dude cant handle it, come on bro i got tiger blood, WEAK!, duh....winning winning, winning, thats how i roll, win here win there win win everywhere, im a total ****ing rock star from mars, absolute victory, im on a quest, right everysingle wroooooong, just do it
