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Soooo...why do they always make the girl go evil in this pairing? What's so wrong with having a good character and an...well, not evil, persay, but an amoral character fall in love? Why can't they both keep their identities? I think that's why this one fic just isn't doing it for me. The main girl's pathetic. She doesn't want to be like him, so she becomes him? Really? If she were truly as good as you, little miss author, or she said, here's a hint: you would have kept her sticking to her morals. If someone's that much of a saint, it should be pretty easy. Granted...if they were that much of a saint, they shouldn't have started the whole affair in the first place, but...I digress. /endrant
So I called his wife and she's coming to see me in person in about 45 minutes.

So... in 45 minutes I may be ruining someone's life with an awful revelation; and I may possibly be offering her the rope for my eviction should she take it the wrong way. Can't wait. :/
So I called his wife and she's coming to see me in person in about 45 minutes.

So... in 45 minutes I may be ruining someone's life with an awful revelation; and I may possibly be offering her the rope for my eviction should she take it the wrong way. Can't wait. :/
Let us know how it goes. Hopefully she's a reasonable sort of woman
Every time I find myself strolling through the Undead Parish and I hear the bell ring, I can't help but mutter some small congratulations to whatever person just beat Dark Soul's first real challenge. Even though he or she can't hear it.
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Let us know how it goes. Hopefully she's a reasonable sort of woman

Whew, it was very awkward.

I could tell from her expression when she came in that she already had an idea of what it was about, so her husband had already said something to her. It looked worse on me because I guess she must trust him a lot more than she does me, and just today he called around this morning apparently to apologize for his former behaviour, but me thinking he was the courier for my new computer chair dived out of the shower, threw on a towel and opened the door all wet and wearing towels (you have to be quick or the couriers just walk off and drive away). So he just looked very embarrassed and went away. She might have thought it was me who was being a troublemaker or something, although I could prove at least some of what I said being that my chair did arrive later on and is still lying in bits waiting for me to assemble it...

She said that her husband does have a habit of making banter and embarrassing comments and that he's really a shy person who digs himself holes by accident. I don't know what she thought of my explanation of the things he said, but apparently he had already told her about that bikini conversation AND seeing me this morning so he doesn't think he has anything to hide, and that *he* felt that bikini conversation had made him uncomfortable (but he really did start it, not me!!). I said that I didn't think I'd taken it the wrong way but I would try to consider it as unfortunate bit of banter that went wrong as long as I don't have to endure it any more. She said that she will talk to him about stopping the banter and the inappropriate comments, and make sure he doesn't come around when there is only me in the flat or unannounced. Honestly though, even though I still feel as though *he* was the one who has always made inappropriate comments all along, that I'm somehow going to be 'blamed' in their minds anyway. He probably won't come around or speak to me in person any more though, which is probably for the best.

It's a shame, I really liked this place even though it is a bit small, and now I'm probably considered a bit of a liability to them. I don't know, maybe some men think some women really enjoy pervy compliments for their self-esteem? I don't, but I get the feeling if he is innocent in all of this, that's probably his intention - to sound nice or something by paying those type of compliments, but it just freaked me out some... being that I didn't know at that point how far this was gonna go. Hopefully it won't go anywhere any more and he will just avoid me and me likewise and maybe the situation will die down rather than get any worse. I hope so.
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To be fair, this woman most likely would side with her husband regardless - after all, she's married to him, stuck with him and what other option is there for her? That said, I'm sincerely hoping that you are right and all this does stop now. It's good that she's at least said she'll speak to him about popping over and the "jokes". It's not quite Pacific Heights stuff (if you've seen the film, you'll know what I mean - aside from the fact that it's about a problem tenant, not landlord) but still, you want to be comfortable in your own home so maybe now you can.

Don't make any moves towards thinking about moving just yet though - see how this plays out and hopefully this is over now and things can get back to normal :)

CT: Just when I think I'm going to get two minutes of peace, something happens. I'm so tired of this...
My goodness. I played Dark Souls for awhile today, but I want to play more. O_o
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