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Ooooh, ow. >_< That really sucks. Dang birds. We've got one that must live across the street from us that, everyday at noon, decides to mimic our house alarm. /== It's really...annoying. *wonders why they have to be so loud*

I have no idea WHY they do it. I've conceded that birds must have the smallest intellect of the animal kingdom. >_>
Dear birdies who think morning is a good time to sit outside my window and tweet as loudly as they can, it's really not. :/

Also...Amazon? You said the CD would be here tomorrow? Why you no send me email saying you shipped it? :blink:;

Birdies sound cute. I got frigging seagulls! Still waiting to wake up and hear:

Where are you located? We're looking to put together a decent community of regulars to keep the server alive so I don't have to jump through hoops to get the damn thing populated, unfortunately I can't assure a comfortable playing experience (you know, ping/latency issues and all that) if you're not Europe based, seeing as the server's set up in London. :/
In New Zealand but we often play on the UK server (or the German server, lulz) with my brother in-law cus he's in Surrey.
In New Zealand but we often play on the UK server (or the German server, lulz) with my brother in-law cus he's in Surrey.

Fair enough, well I'll pass you a link to our server and see what sort of ping you get on it, it's not wonderfully active at the moment seeing as we set it up like, 2 days ago. Like I said, looking to build a decent community of regulars. :)
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Speaking of birds, mother and i went out today... it was like something out of the Alfred Hitchcock film... they were EVERYWHERE...
We also have a magpie that likes to make noise in a tree across the road at 1am... >.>

Back to Bayonetta. I loved it on the 360... but I'm rubbish at it on the PS3... >_<
Also thought about a Bayonetta chibi... forget it... not happening.
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Science doesn't contradict God, and God doesn't contradict science:

They're thinking 28-30 minutes. Having been caught in a freak storm, I know how fast nature can hit you. One moment I was strolling toward this beautiful blue rockpool on the beach and thinking 'whoa, those clouds look funny, lemme take a picture', the next we were running in the opposite direction with gale force winds as cold as ice shoving us from behind, hailing rain and sand at us. I mean it was pretty quick and scary.

When an earthquake hits, usually by the time it's registered in my head what's happening and that I should be heading for the table with the kids, it's over already.

Now I live on an island, and as far as I'm aware we have no underground bunkers here. If this thing is coming from underneath us, I think us being the arse of the place they call 'downunder' are going to be hit the first and hit the hardest. We'll be gone before the rest of the world catches on.

That and I've been having dreams of tsunamis again. The last one was different from the usual. We got caught in the first wave, there was CHAOS, but when the wave retracted itself it gave us a chance to run for the hills. Funny that the hill top we were on looked exactly like the ones outside my window. Anyway. Somehow we were in the ocean even though we were at the highest peak, because the water was basically right by my feet, and I could see the swells of the following waves headed toward land which was WAY behind us. But I was there with my babies, and I felt safe, and scared for the people who didn't (as Spartacus would say) remove head from arse and head to safety. I didn't see the rest. I think Seth had a dirty nappy so I had to wake up.

So, either it means that a major catastrophe is going to happen and we're going to survive it. OR, it means we're going to die in the first onslaught but be better off for it. I had a similar dream like this with the first Christchurch earthquake, so it's helped me a little bit with how to read my dreams.

But the point of the dream, I think, is that whatever comes, I am saved, and so are my loved ones.
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I-I did it. I beat Beavis and Butthead. This is amazing! I can't believe I finally d-

Okay, so I had a ton of help, but that's not the point. I fought Great Wolf Sif by myself in order to gain the humanity needed to summon the players that helped me. So....I still feel accomplished. :D
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ok what do i do when if my cat has brought a catfriend along with her and that other cat is making a mess in my house and doing some.........stuff with my cat i wont go into detail -_-