That was met for DrednoughtDT loldont worry kirby can eat it all
That was met for DrednoughtDT loldont worry kirby can eat it all
i know but stillThat was met for DrednoughtDT lol
I rather listen to nails on a chalk board than Justin Beiber. Every time I look at that kid I want to choke him.kirby sings much better than justin beiber
lyrics: poyo poyo poyo poy poy poy poyo!!!
dont you XD yeah on one episode they said kirbys singing was AS bad as nails on a chalk board so that proves itI rather listen to nails on a chalk board than Justin Beiber. Every time I look at that kid I want to choke him.
go to them and say but i want to do something else then hit your leg put your hand in the air and shout BOOM!!!!I'm being forced to go to church -_-
Yeah you did.
And I have my privacy settings set the way they are so people I'm not following can't send me messages. Every so often someone comes around and harasses me. It gets tiring, so I have it set so random people can't send me messages at all.
And if you "knew" I put you on my ignore list then why'd you bother responding to my initial post? What did I upset you or are you teasing me? Something? I don't get it. :/
If you must know I put you on my ignore list very briefly. I've been under a lot of stress and it's being carrying over to the forums. Putting someone on my ignore list is my Internet way of leaving the room when I'm getting heated with someone. You know, stop communication for a bit and then come back when I'm not annoyed anymore.
god you must have got a concusionHeaddeskHeaddeskHeaddeskHeaddeskHeaddeskHeaddeskHeaddeskHeaddeskHeaddeskHeaddeskHeaddeskHeaddeskHeaddeskHeaddeskHeaddeskHeaddeskHeaddeskHeaddeskHeaddeskHeaddeskHeaddeskHeaddeskHeaddeskHeaddesk