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"Numb Tongue?!"

Awww, I could cuddle (and do other things) to Capt. Kirk ;) :D
But that's better left to my dreams ;)
Speaking of which, goodnight everyone.
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A Transcript of a Fun Battle in Star Trek Armada: II Because I can't Stop Thinking About it

At first I thought a varied fleet of Destroyers, Cruisers, Behemoths and Launchers would do the trick. That worked for about 30 seconds. lol

Then I tried a direct assault on their Starbase with a Frigate and eight Battleships. I made a dent in their forces, but once they got rid of my fleet, they decided to go on the offensive when my base was mostly defenseless.

My Mother ship and Sentinels managed to hold them off, thankfully. XP

So after that near loss, I was understandably a little ticked. I built up a fleet of 16 Battleships (the most you can have selected at one time) and punched them straight into the heart of the Klingon base, going straight for the Starbase. It was pretty much a kamikaze mission, but I wanted it done.

Imagine my surprise when those Battleships managed to take out most of the base. XD

The Klingon's last ditch move was pretty cheeky. They tried to build a replacement Starbase on the other side of the planet near my base.

I destroyed the Construction Ship before it was complete, however, and that was the win.

And this has been a nerd-out moment by Storm Silves. We now return you to your regularly scheduled lives.
I'm done.

Now to get back to the real world of ironing and laundry and...sigh... and books that the kids have strewn all over my house. Whoopdeedoo.

FYI, if you know me well you'll know I'm not okay. Far from it.
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And...I. Have. Returned! *evil laughter**coughs*^^; Yeah. Anyway. Tahoe was lovely. <3 I miss it already. But now, at least, I have stress relief, a new sword, and I can get away from my family. >_< Which is good. My Grand parents were really p*ssing me off. ('Scuse my language....) *huglz forums*

Welcome back, Shadow. ^_^ *huggles back*
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I miss you... I can't wait like 4 days...! Come here a few days earlier no1 will notice :3 <3
Welcome back Shadow :D *hugs*

Storm: I've played Star Trek Armada, but I'm not very good at strategy games.

I'm sooooo glad that I've started that picture. But, i may do another on Paint .net to see if it looks any better.
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And...I. Have. Returned! *evil laughter**coughs*^^; Yeah. Anyway. Tahoe was lovely. <3 I miss it already. But now, at least, I have stress relief, a new sword, and I can get away from my family. >_< Which is good. My Grand parents were really p*ssing me off. ('Scuse my language....) *huglz forums*
Please drop a hint somewhere in future if you're going to disappear. I was seriously going to get on everyone's case who are personally connected to you to track you down and see if you're okay. Lucky I came to check the forum first, I was coming here to see when last you were active. I was even going to hop onto WTRP to see when last you were on there!
And I am really serious. See? :seriousface:
Anyway, WELCOME BACK!!!! Really missed you tons my fwend! *huggles*
Why oh why did I open my mouth this evening? Dave, do me a favour next time - if you can see I'm wound up about the topic we're discussing as a group, for goodness sakes don't ask my opinion. It's just not worth the hassle of me actually saying stuff.
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