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But it'd be bloody hilarious.

And may I ask why you like Lightning so much in the first place?
I don't. I exaggerate. (Somewhat)
Besides, it would take really long to explain.
mwhahahahahaha! that is the perviest pic of vergil that i have ever seen *drool* Thank you Reuben Langdon!

CT: i need a pic of the new uss enterpise for a sig... and the only ones i can find are fan made ones! Dammit i want an official pic!
what is this obsession with characters being half-human?
the thought that doctor who is half-human is pure BS.
the guy is completely eccentric, he HAS to be a full time-lord. after all it was against the laws of gallifrey to take humans back home (or so i've heard).

That's not Tekken 3! It's Tekken 2!!! Bloomin idiots.
I would like to take this moment to say that I'm the first and the biggest #1 fan of Alice Grace's work.
And I do not exaggerate when I say that. The perks of being a beta - I get to be the FIRST fan. Next to close family of said writer, that is.

The rain hitting my window kinda sounds like gravel hitting wood.
Glazed eyes.
Pasty skin.
Rotting meat.
Waking up.

That's my actual thought process. It's not the corpse that freaks me out, it's the 'waking up' part that does.

I can't believe you've made me a vampire.

You're a non-traditional vampire, though!

What the hell is a non-traditional vampire? Am I vegan-vamp now?

Nuuu. You're that Swedish vampire x Sumarian folklore vampire. That kind.

The vampire was not Swedish.

Ah-ha. Written in Swedish. Speak Swedish. Makes you Swedish.

I thought you were talking about the girl from that movie.

It IS the girl from that movie.

You know we've probably lost whoever is reading this.

So? I'm talking to myself so I get what I'm on about. I don't talk to myself for other people's entertainment, so if they don't follow what I'm saying, it's probably a good thing. o_O

And here I was thinking you were talking to me.

I am talking to you. What are you deaf?

You just said you were speaking to yourself.

And now apparently I'm arguing with myself, too.

You confuse me.

No I don't. You know exactly what I'm saying.


It's not my fault you can't deal with the fact that you're a figment of my imagination and nothing more.

I never said I was anything more than that.

Then why are you confused when I say I'm speaking to myself but speaking to you? Come on, Mix, I'm sure everybody else understands that much.




What did you say?


What does that mean?

I DON'T WANT TO BE A VAMPIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D:

OMG, here we go.:rolleyes:
Must be a boring nightclub.
Saying that, I've posted on a forum on a night out. Yes, I was very bored.

Yeah, it's not exactly the best nightclub around...In fact it's the only one in the village. >.>
And to top the (boring) night off The Hoff appears to sing two of his "greatest hits."
DJ: Make some noise for The Hoff!!
Crowd: *lackluster response* yaay....
DJ: Well make some bloody noise then!! D:<
It was quite surreal. Left me thinking "where am I?" and "wtf just happened here?"
Sooo....I've essentially lost a 65,000 word piece of writing? Please hold that thought whilst I go and throw myself out of the window.
No, doctor who is a full time lord, but he did have a human version of himself too, LOOK IT UP!!!
Oh what? you mean this?
In "Journey's End", the Tenth Doctor manages to avert his own regeneration, using some of the energy to heal himself then channelling the remaining energy into his severed hand, thus retaining his appearance and personality. The question of whether this partial regeneration process uses up one of this thirteen incarnations is left open. Later in the episode, the energy left over from the regeneration forms a "new" Doctor when Donna Noble inadvertently causes a "human-time lord biological metacrisis". This Doctor is part Time Lord and part human, possessing the Doctor's memories and physical appearance but also inheriting some of Donna Noble's personality traits. The part-human Doctor also has only one heart, ages like a human, and cannot regenerate

Lets face it, if it was what I was talking about I would've said.
Nope, I meant this:
Perhaps the most controversial element from the 1996 television movie was the revelation that the Doctor is half-human ("on [his] mother's side").
The Infinity Doctors, for example, states that the Doctor was born from the loom, but it adds that he was also the son of a Gallifreyan explorer and a human mother.

So thank you for your opinion, but when I want to be bitched at I'll ask for it. Also It's not your first catty reply to one of my posts, so keep your nose out.

Thank you.

To everyone else. I apologise for that outburst, but I'm not being spoken to like sh*t.
(Yeah, Imagine that VeeBee has a spine, fyi, I'm not so easily sh*t on by other people anymore)
Sooo....I've essentially lost a 65,000 word piece of writing? Please hold that thought whilst I go and throw myself out of the window.
Noooooooooooo!!!!!! D:

I seem to have lost all the info of my scraps (a.k.a. all my unfinished manuscripts) I have a total of 43, all in various stages of progress, and I can't open half of them. I keep getting an error message from the computer when I try. The others are all password protected and, yep, I've forgotten the password(s). I can't even open them on my external harddrive :(
I'm hoping my IT genius will be able to help me with that at some point.
I'm thinking... I should consider changing my genre.
I nearly pooped myself when my daughter appeared next to me in the dark. But I can't write horror without my earphones blasting wicked music into my ears, because if I DO write it without music, I tend to freeze at every little creak and unidentified noise in the house. I can't get ANY work done when I keep stopping every two minutes!

But that really, really scared me. Geeze! Don't walk in on me when mommy is in the middle of a creepy-ass scene sweetheart! You'll gimme heart palpitations!

But the look on her little face was priceless. She was like 'whoa O_O' at my reaction. XDD

I seriously want to get this chapter finished and posted now. I'm totally freaking myself out here.
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