What Are You Thinking?

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To text or not to text, that is the question. I'm pretty sure I'll be ignored. Still, I am miffed by it all...But I guess I should have listened to myself ages ago and kept a distance.
Thinking on getting both Dark Souls: Limited Edition and The Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection this week.

I had to quote you because I love your sig. XD Zone of the Enders forever!

CT: Um... I think I forgot what I was thinking now. .,,,. Ah, right. Poor Agro. >.> Guy's had his whole life basically stripped from him... I never thought I was capable of that kind of cruelty.
I need to watch the rest of them before I determine whether it's a good enough idea. At the moment, I don't mind it, but it just needs to be a bit better.

Also...Laughter is the best medicine? Laughter? So...

"I'm afraid you have cancer and have less than a week to live" says the doctor.

"Oh my God!" the patient replies in utter despair.

"But on the funny side..."
Y U TAKE STUFF THAT'S NOT YOURS CHILD!? Or do you have some sort of sick pleasure that you kicks from, for making me clean up after your messes? XD
Hi everyone, just thought I'd pop in.
Did something stupid a few days ago.
Still can't stop thinking about Eddie, poor little thing. :(
Great Uncle's funeral on friday too. I so want september to be over.
I love you guys (the friendship thing, nothing else ;) ) and I'll be back soon.
I hate shoulder knots. I always get them when I'm 'writing'. And they won't go. . .
"Isn't that right, Ezio?"
-imitating Ezio- "Yeah, that's-a right!"

Yes, I would rather sneak into the Mac Lab and read CreepyPasta than suffer my journalism class.
Yes, I made an entire candy bar based on blood. Even flavored it O- ^_^
Yes, I am brilliant, but unfortuanately, my brain powers are ineffective against math. Deal with it.

And I'm really glad I don't have to worry about applying to colleges anymore!
I love those moments when everyone is screaming about the spider on the wall but u and u decide to b a douche and start screaming stuff like, "HOLY SH*T DUDE!!! THT MO F*CKIN SPIDER IS ABOUT TO FALL ON UR HEAD!! MOVE, BITCH, MOVE!!!" which adds to theyre terror even more :D

yea im a douche sometimes xDD
I wish I could say I feel something, but I just don't. We're growing apart so it seems.