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...soooo... you're kind of wanting to trick the reader into thinking that he's a vampire, but he's not? I don't know... as long as you don't use the words 'blood', 'fangs', or 'bat wings', I guess you could pull it off without infuriating vampire-lovers. But there's the neck scene...ah, dammit. There's the NECK scene. Fudge.
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Dear Verin and Addy,
Wtf are you two doing? I didn't write this into the stories and you're still doing it?! Both of you please pop back into your stories and stop changing the plots.
You're very puzzled writer, who's trying to kill this migraine.
Auww :( Migraines suck, hope it goes away soon Shadow.

I would like to full spectrum punch her in the face
This woman think the RE movies are good and that this DMC movie will be good? Kamehameha (Kills woman)!
The response of fans on a youtube clip about the DMC movie. Poor girl! This is why I'd never want to become a game news presenter of any sort. Talk about shooting the messenger! XD

+My word, she's lovely!
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@Claire: Thankies. :) Do they finally have a clip of the movie? Or...was it just some lady talking about it? *puzzled**too lazy busy writing to bother looking it up* >_>

Nah, they were just announcing it on one or the other TV channel.

CT: I'm confused now. I thought she was a fan. So... is she ripping off Sparkles for the lulz? Or is she serious? How do you ask someone that in a diplomatic way without letting it show that you're anti-Twilight? :confused:

Never mind, she's definitely a fan. It's when they start telling you 'you know how he looked at the end of this scene at this place in that chapter?', then you KNOW.
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^That's like me boiling the kettle a thousand times but never actually getting my coffee made. X3

OW! My foot has fallen asleep. Ish sore! :(

I need to remove that link from my FFN profile. Like, today. Like, NOW.

I also need to carry on writing chapter 4. It's WHY I came down into this frigid cold room in the first place. Two hours later and I still haven't got around to it.

I should rename it to The Devil May Cry Diaries - written by a drama queen brat.
...I'm allowed to pick fun at my own writing.

I need to get on with that. And then add some of it to chapter 3, because chapter 3 is just NOT lengthy enough.
And then replace chapter 4.
And edit that part out about Vergil very coldly killing two old people. I hate him, but thinking about it, he probably wouldn't waste his energy to slice and dice up two human beings for any reason other than spite. Unless I can somehow weave it into the mix that her aunt and uncle were corrupted and working for Mundus, and that they were brainwashing her into working for him too so he could use her to... O_O
OMG I think I just worked out a kink in my story.
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^ LOL XD It is, huh? XD This will sound so weird...but from a writer's perspective...I love listening to people plot, so that just made my day. >_> Sorry about your foot, though. >_<

I have my tea! It's a little cold, though. And I hate this story. Why am I rewriting it? I should just delete FI...and I would...but I have a sneaking suspicion I'd be ticked at myself for doing that and a certain someone *glance up* might be mad at me for it. >_> *always hates her fics when there's bumps*
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If this somehow ruins our friendship, I reserve the full right to punch him in the face and then run to my room crying like a little baby.

Things like this usually work themselves out though.

Yeah, it'll be totally fine.

I hope.

He's called himself the 'Blondie to my Dar', though, so I'm sure if we do get in a relationship things will work out. So long as I don't get addicted to drugs, don't become a prostitute, and don't only tell him 'I love you' for the first time in our ten year long relationship because I think he died. ...Jesus, that's a weird and horrible comparison. I don't paint their relationship as healthy, Daniel. Why are you doing this to me?!

/end wangsty relationshiop problem thought

+ Going to the beach during lunch tomorrow~ :D
@Shadow: You know me too well :cool:
I have the same addiction. When other people start plotting, I just kinda sit back and listen, and then afterward even I'M pumped to write something.

+Eye candy Dante @.@

I wonder who they're going to get that's hot enough to play Dante in the movie? Spike will do. Ohhh yes, Spike will do. Well. If he's still young and gorgeous, I mean. What's his name again? Something Masters? Hmm-mm.
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^ LOL Possibly. :P
*nodnod* Same! It's just great to hear the ideas flowing! ^^

If this somehow ruins our friendship, I reserve the full right to punch him in the face and then run to my room crying like a little baby.

Things like this usually work themselves out though.

Yeah, it'll be totally fine.

I hope.

He's called himself the 'Blondie to my Dar', though, so I'm sure if we do get in a relationship things will work out. So long as I don't get addicted to drugs, don't become a prostitute, and don't only tell him 'I love you' for the first time in our ten year long relationship because I think he died. ...Jesus, that's a weird and horrible comparison. I don't paint their relationship as healthy, Daniel. Why are you doing this to me?!

/end wangsty relationshiop problem thought

+ Going to the beach during lunch tomorrow~ :D

Aww, I'm sorry. D: I hope you have fun at the beach, though....

I talk too much. ._. Or...think. Or...something.
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^ I'm talking to him tomorrow since he's coming over. I'm kind of worried out of my skull wondering how it's going to go. And thankies. I can leave campus this year, so me and two of my friends (who don't ditch me for boyfriends 'cause we're all single at the moment) are gonna walk to the beach that's five minutes from school for lunch and have a picnic.

+ Speaking of 'nic''s, it's odd how I sat next to a Nick last year in sixth period and again this year in sixth period.
^ I'm talking to him tomorrow since he's coming over. I'm kind of worried out of my skull wondering how it's going to go. And thankies. I can leave campus this year, so me and two of my friends (who don't ditch me for boyfriends 'cause we're all single at the moment) are gonna walk to the beach that's five minutes from school for lunch and have a picnic.

+ Speaking of 'nic''s, it's odd how I sat next to a Nick last year in sixth period and again this year in sixth period.

*nods* I hope it goes well. :) You're welcome. ^^ Oooh, cool! =D I wish I lived near the beach...I'm homeschooled (and I technically graduated this summer, though I don't actually graduate till I pass my GED, stupid state laws) so I could do that...if I had a car and lived near the beach. Instead I get walks to the park in 111 degree heat. Woot. >_>

This...is gonna sound so wrong. But I think I just figured out my favorite kill scene in all my fics. Aside from the ones the twins have in Rebellion and Megaera's death...it's gotta come from Fear Itself...when Marcus cracks open a shadow beast's skull with his bare hands. Not sure why...but it's just...yeah. Maybe it has to do with how disgusted he is with himself afterward? *puzzled**thinks it over* My mind has weird thoughts at 1am. >_>
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Pointless appointment in two hours, all labour activity has now stopped and if my phone doesn't stop ringing with people (however well-meaning) asking "have you had the baby yet?" I think I might hurl myself out of the window. Ugh - wake me up when this is all over...
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