Does anyone else here like the idea of Dante being half Angel?
Come on, seriously. Here are several reasons why it makes sense and would be awesome. Dante and Vergil wouldn't be able to heal themselves so quickly if they had just the blood of their father and were halflings. It doesn't logically make any sense.
Even in Devil May Cry 2 Dante uses powers that were from Gods and Goddesses (Divine beings) Angels are divine.
Angels are more powerful than humans. Dante acts as an Angel to humanity. He saves Trish from death (Acting like a guardian Angel). Angels would naturally have great healing powers. A reason as to why Vergil could fail when fighting Mundus could be down to the fact that he abandoned his Angelic side and corrupted it with the evil side of him. This backfired when he needed to use his Angelic abilities, because he wasn't in tune with them. Dante stayed true to himself and both of his forms, making him more powerful in the long run and able to succeed.
If they perform it well, yeah it could be a great concept imo. However I'm not sure if the current style of Dante fits the angel theme. But that's just me.
You continue about the regeneration thing thinking as if Sparda was a normal demon then bring up how it isn't logical. What is logical about demons, really? What logic has defined demons have the same regeneration as other? Who says all demons are alike?
You should chill with the illogical in something that is already based upon fiction. I've learned that the hard way when pushing it too far. <.<
I've never had a problem with it because I know Sparda was a greater demon. A proof of this would be when Arkham gets Sparda's power, Arkham could attach his sliced limbs to his body again in mere seconds. That's alot more than we've seen of Dante or Vergil atm.