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I can remember the UK gaming industry stopped the release of a Wii game a few months ago because EA(?) made the advert look as if the game involved secks and was improper for children. (Although it was rated 12 in the UK.)

Apparently Germany are going to release Catherine as Rated 16 with no content cut. It's not the rating people that are stuffy about the content of games, it's the public. If the UK media says that a game is packed with sexual content, then the public will believe them and there is usually 'hell up', then the game will get no release.
(I still think that it's because the un-educated masses outside of gaming believe it's something mainly for and played by kids.)

I <3 Tekken Bowl...
To someone who knows who they are!

I owe you an explanation. If you're willing, send me a PM and I'll explain. :oops:
I can remember the UK gaming industry stopped the release of a Wii game a few months ago because EA(?) made the advert look as if the game involved secks and was improper for children. (Although it was rated 12 in the UK.)

Apparently Germany are going to release Catherine as Rated 16 with no content cut. It's not the rating people that are stuffy about the content of games, it's the public. If the UK media says that a game is packed with sexual content, then the public will believe them and there is usually 'hell up', then the game will get no release.
(I still think that it's because the un-educated masses outside of gaming believe it's something mainly for and played by kids.)

I <3 Tekken Bowl...

I don't think the UK will overreact all that much to Catherine, that Wii Dare game was just blatently sexual from the advertising, that's what caught a lot of flak in the first place and that's what forced it to get cut. Hell, the ESRB even rated it as 13+ there was no actual content like that.
Atlus have been very good about how they've marketed Catherine by and large, the more sexual aspects of it have been toned down and at a glance, aren't obvious to anyone who hasn't actually followed the game, instead, advertising has greatly played up the fact that it's a puzzle game and if they keep that up, it'll likely see an uncensored UK release.

Besides, the UK aren't actually all that bad in regards to content like that, it's just everyone seems to be under the impression that releasing a sexually advertised game on the Wii = advertising a sex game to children.

I was gonna post a LoL rant...But after that, not much point really.
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Apparently Germany are going to release Catherine as Rated 16 with no content cut. It's not the rating people that are stuffy about the content of games, it's the public. If the UK media says that a game is packed with sexual content, then the public will believe them and there is usually 'hell up', then the game will get no release.
(I still think that it's because the un-educated masses outside of gaming believe it's something mainly for and played by kids.)

Lol, I think Germans aren't bothered by sex in games or on TV, it's the violence they censor. Over there even games like Resident Evil were cut, banned or had all the blood changed to green or purple, such is their concern. Over here, nobody seems to care unless a game happens to involve being a terrorist/Taliban member or a snuff movie-maker. But if there's a hint of sex, WON'T SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN?

The sooner that (generally older) generation and thinking - that games are just for kids - goes away, or that games are treated like films with separate genres and tastes, the better.
AHHHHHHHH!!! *runs around screaming and flailing arms* And for ONCE I'm not running around screaming and flailing because of Lightning!
Yay, you've lost your glasses AGAIN! Ahhhh, forget it, there is no point in ranting, I'm sick of ranting about stuff you do. Its all I do... rant about what a selfish t**t you are.

CT: I wonder how you make a cosplay gun. I'd love to make Reaver's dragonstomper.48
If I say don't touch me, it means DON'T ****ING TOUCH ME, YOU TWAT. And no, I'm not sorry about giving you a bloody nose. Anyone who's that dismissive of some serious ****ing trauma like that deserves to be punched. Asshole.
There really is no reason to support my friends if they are acting dishonest in my opinion. I can literally f*ck them over with my own honesty, like they should care that I do so. To them I might as well be a stranger ruining it for them.
I hate it when people post stuff on the Internet and miss out the vowels. It really annoys me! It's just lazy!

Let's try it and see how stupid it is.....

Ht whn pl pst stff n th ntrnt nd mss t th vwls.
I hate it when people post stuff on the Internet and miss out the vowels. It really annoys me! It's just lazy!

Let's try it and see how stupid it is.....

Ht whn pl pst stff n th ntrnt nd mss t th vwls.

Did you kown taht we rmbeemr msot wdors by the auonmt of ltetres and the frist and lsat ltetr?

Did you know that we remember most words by the amount of letters and the first and last letter?

I could scramble it up and it would be easy to read. =O
Or... that's how it works for me. Read it somewhere, don't remember where. =O
Your fists of anger beat heavily against my being,
but the pain does not hurt me.
A friendship like this does not get destroyed so easily,
you could hate me but I'd never dislike you.

Do all your damage if you please,
I'll never judge what it is you want.
make me fall down to my knees,
I only want what's best for you.

Do your worst if it makes you happy,
I'll never question what it is you want.
I'll smile even if I'm dying inside,
only if it is to keep you happy.

I'm not selfish for my own needs,
I'd put our friendship before me.
And I'm sorry if I ever hurt you,
but you could kill me and I'd forgive you.

Even if you hid from me for decades,
somehow my love for you will find you.
As my love for you as a friend,
is something that will never end.

That poem is meant for someone who should also know who they are. I just hope it means something to them, even if it is slightly meaningful. On a side note I'm thinking two things. I'm thinking that I'm going to watch The Mechanic with Jason Statham in it (Oh lucky me) which should be, interesting I suppose. As long as he doesn't do his whole "I'm Jason Statham, bloody big tough British guy. I can never die, not ever". I mean seriously, if you've seen Crank 1 or 2, you'll know what I'm talking about. Absolutely ridiculous plot scenarios. "Oh no, I've just lost my heart. It's okay though, it's been replaced with a battery one. Now where did I leave those double a batteries? Ah damn it, it requires triple a batteries and all the stores are closed now. Guess I'm dead. Oh no wait, all night garage, I'm fine. Whoa, that was a close one!".

Actually just finished watching it, and it was rather good I have to admit. I'd give it 8 out of 10.

On another side note, I'm thinking how cool a certain feature here would be. However, it hasn't been designed by the software I'd imagine. I was thinking on it last night when I thought to myself, "It sucks that there are some members I haven't spoken to in ages". It relates to how I find it difficult to remember everyone I haven't said hi to in a while, and I don't want to seem rude by not talking to anyone. So what the idea essentially was, was that you befriend people and make a sort of 'Priority people to talk to' list. And after a while when you haven't sent them a message, for various reasons (Talking to other people, not being on as much) it will set a little reminder for those who you haven't spoken to in a while. Perhaps if you know you won't be around it could send a message automatically for you. I think I mentioned this idea to Steve ages ago about sending already arranged Private Messages at particular times. For instance, you develop a message and then select to send it on a certain day at perhaps a certain time (Or it just sends it at midnight) Either way if you're away and can't access the computer, the message will automatically send to that person.

Anyway, just thought that'd be a nifty idea, even if it can't be done.
That's stupid. This is stupid.

+ Mickey, how in the world did you make yourself a main character? You were supposed to be just a false love interest for Derek in book one. I was supposed to hate you for being in the way of Dar and Blondie, but I don't. I love you and I feel so bad for having all your boyfriends cheat on you, killing off your three older brothers, and for making you try so hard to get your father to acknowledge your existence when he's actually dead. But I'm going to try my ****ing hardest to give you a happy ending because, dammit, you deserve it so much and I'm so sorry! ;_; Damn you and your cute, shy, blushy, redheaded ways! D: **** IT, HE'S GETTING HIS OWN STORY AND I'M WRITING IT FOR CAMP.

+ Mom, please don't guilt trip me into going to San Francisco. If you had told me yesterday you wanted me to go, I would have. Since you sprung it on me as soon as I wake up and want to leave in thirty minutes, I'm not going to. I don't have any clean clothes that are good to wear there.
And it's gonna get messy.
I wish there were still spoilers on the forum.

Oh, look, I've finished my awesome Vergil and Reaver filled bookmark! <3
^ I had forgotten about spoilers tags! Yeah, it's a shame they arn't still around.....even though I'd forgotten all about them until 2 minutes ago! :confused:
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