I'm thinking several things. What is with all the weird dreams I keep having recently? Yesterday it was me protecting some boy that wondered off from his mum. Now it's me outside and I'm looking at buses and people on buses, then I get on one of the buses. But then I get off and start to walk down this sandy pathway and then these women start to follow me. I freak and make a run for it but walk into some small hospital room. They tell me I need to be injecting with some needle they all seem to have, and when they attempt to inject it into me I grab it and end up injecting the needles into their faces. After too much of a struggle I eventually decide to let them inject me. But the nurse has a pair of scissors and cuts my left cheek open with them, like properly cuts the whole cheek open and I'm like "What?", but it didn't hurt or anything (Not that it would do because it's a dream, but I have had actually pain whilst dreaming. It's most likely body pain whilst I'm sleeping) but anyway, she slits my face and then puts this white towel against it to stop the bleeding and whatnot. What did slicing me open have to do with injecting me? Nothing at all. Such weird stuff. And I keep remember them a lot as of late. I haven't remembered any of my dreams this well for a very long time now, and I use to be quite the lucid dreamer.
I'm also thinking that I hope everything goes well with today. I don't fancy any problems, I honestly don't. I'm also thinking how cold it is out of my bed =( And that it sucks I fell asleep because my Harry Potter disc was acting up in my crappy built in DVD Player >_>
I'm also glad that I made a new friend that was an old friend, if that makes sense =)