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I need to write a story, but i haven't got the motivation... I just don't know what to get me started. :(
*looks at Reaver and Vergil*
My soul is empty, i don't know what to do.
I need to write a story, but i haven't got the motivation... I just don't know what to get me started. :(
*looks at Reaver and Vergil*
My soul is empty, i don't know what to do.
Find someone to role play with. And I don't mean role play with the people who only reply with one sentence, but the people who take thirty minutes to reply because they're typing out long and detailed posts. That's what I do, and a lot of things that have happened in the role play have given me ideas for my story.


Or listen to music. Like, the lyrics of it and interpret it in your own way.

+ Boo, you whore.
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Hmmm, i think I'm gonna have to pass on it for now. :( Until I get a decent internet connection sorted. (ie, one with a limit that i don't have to worry about.) Thanks Storm.

CT: Goodnight Everyone.
You don't need to have anything to RP about. Mine just started out as our characters hanging out in a room and talking. Now, Simon is taking Mickey to a beach he hasn't been to since his mom passed away. Daryl, Derek, and Raylan are currently running from the cops for vandalizing public property, disturbing the peace, and indecent exposure, and walking around drunk as all hell, but I don't think that counts.. [/late reply]
I'm thinking several things. What is with all the weird dreams I keep having recently? Yesterday it was me protecting some boy that wondered off from his mum. Now it's me outside and I'm looking at buses and people on buses, then I get on one of the buses. But then I get off and start to walk down this sandy pathway and then these women start to follow me. I freak and make a run for it but walk into some small hospital room. They tell me I need to be injecting with some needle they all seem to have, and when they attempt to inject it into me I grab it and end up injecting the needles into their faces. After too much of a struggle I eventually decide to let them inject me. But the nurse has a pair of scissors and cuts my left cheek open with them, like properly cuts the whole cheek open and I'm like "What?", but it didn't hurt or anything (Not that it would do because it's a dream, but I have had actually pain whilst dreaming. It's most likely body pain whilst I'm sleeping) but anyway, she slits my face and then puts this white towel against it to stop the bleeding and whatnot. What did slicing me open have to do with injecting me? Nothing at all. Such weird stuff. And I keep remember them a lot as of late. I haven't remembered any of my dreams this well for a very long time now, and I use to be quite the lucid dreamer.

I'm also thinking that I hope everything goes well with today. I don't fancy any problems, I honestly don't. I'm also thinking how cold it is out of my bed =( And that it sucks I fell asleep because my Harry Potter disc was acting up in my crappy built in DVD Player >_>

I'm also glad that I made a new friend that was an old friend, if that makes sense =)
I don't have anything to stay up for nowadays. I used to once. ;_;

Most epic stuff is actually happening DURING THE DAY now! =O
Today was terrible! :(

.....OOOOH! James Franco AND Christina Perri on Letterman tonight? Heck yes! Today just got better.
I'm thinking of something quirky to day in the range of "FML I traded in a potential day in Cape Cod for a night at the movies to watch Captain America." or "I traded in SixFlags for Captain America." Idk which is the worse of the two. :p

Also... raging because the thunderstorm we had today fried my modem :mad:... which in turn had to be replaced. Got a virus on my pc for sharing my service with idiots, and IN TURN, also bought a new router to lock them out with. BUT... got 4x the speed.

AAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNND. Officially out of money until Friday... :(
America is giving up the shuttle and shuttle launches for the foreseeable future. I am not sure exactly why I feel this, but it makes me sad. Is it because it's the end of an era, or because I like the shuttle design over all the other spacecraft created? Or maybe because science and the furtherment of mankind's progress are among the first to get sacrificed as a result of our failure at our own foolish money games.
Nu! D: Don't give up! It's only day two. I wish I could make you feel better and say I'm behind, but I actually just reached 5k.

^^; I don't plan on giving up...I'm just not pleased with this story idea. :( Or...one of my muses isn't. *wonders if bribing said muse would make her feel better* Thankies. Heh, congrats! ^^ *hopes you reach 50k* Aww, but being behind would be sad...always better motivation if other authors are doing well. :)
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I'm nearly done on my Fan Fiction, almost.

Please don't take my money, stupid Company >_>

I enjoy talking to you =)

Got to go out now, see you everyone =]
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Okay, my stomache hurts.... owie.

CT: Wow, I've never realised how much I resent my own father. That's bad, isn't it?! That makes me a bad person for saying it too, even just thinking it?

YAY! Town tomorrow... not, i hate going into town on wednesdays!