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What Are You Thinking?

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Going on what Credo said... I was under the impression they were in the early beta stages back in January already. o_O
I dunno if that's a good thing. :S


This partys getting crazy
Bed......my best option now :)

i better be off in a mo. its getting late and my tummy needs appeasing with food.
Night everyone

I agree bedways is rightways now, Good night all!


Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Everyone is going to sleep! D:!!!!!

CT: just don't think about it.
If I don't think about it, I won't lose my mind about it, and I won't get depressed and aggravated and I won't cry.
Just. Don't. Think.

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
Yes, because people who are five foot eight are sooooo menacing. Jesus Christ, that is a Sue if I ever saw one. Natural purple streaks? Are you serious?

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
^ It's on some Harry Potter forums. I guess its to be expected, since that fandom is overflowing with Sues and Stus.

+ "Man, Danielle! I'm totally not gay! Two knuckles doesn't count, not even. I only kiss other guys 'cause emo chicks are fat."
"Oh, Daniel. I'm sorry, bro. I heard about how you wished your grandpa would get off you. Or just **** more softly."
"It doesn't help I dress like a Nazi. I'm gonna go cut my wrists."
"Aw. Wanta go see Where the Wild Things Are with me?"
"After I go to Hot Topic with my mom."

How our conversation escalated to that, I don't even...


This partys getting crazy
We need to get some more trophy's on the go, we only ave ones for "likes" or post count...wait a min, that gives me an idea, wheres Meg?

MEG! quick, to the batcave!

EDIT: wow, MainEvent tv used one of MY pics in his DmC vid, I feel so honored, wait, where was my shoutout! ;)
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