*tumble weed blows by* ...Yeah, that's what my mind is like right now. Empty and void of anything. -.-
Aleast you can get the Doom theme out of your head, but I can't cause thats the first game I ever played that i remember.
So. Tired.
I haven't been this tired since they rolled me out of surgery after my first baby. I could nod off sitting up.
Well, I did nod off for a second on the last plane trip. I think the two guys sitting next to me must I have thought WTF! O_O cos I jerked awake and I slammed my foot hard onto the ground, all in one motion.
LOL...that was actually funny. XD
I'm an aunty, I'm an aunty! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! I wish someone would sponsor me a ticket to Oudshoorn though. Would have loved to see my bro and my SIL and my new little niece. She ish beautiful!
Ugh. Great. Yeah, that's all I want to get when signing onto facebook. Why don't I chat with you? Good GRIEF woman, I don't live off facebook, and I don't go on facebook to CHAT either. It's there solely to keep in touch with family and check out what's happening. I'm never on facebook for longer than 5 minutes. Except the other day when my twin bro caught me and we had a nice chat, but that's okay cos we haven't talked in friggin ages.
Ugh. Zelda, Zelda. I haven't been back home for even a week and already you're going all jealous and whiny on me. Stop being a niggly dog and give me time to myself.
I miss this place.
Cream soda FTW!!!!!!![]()