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Tomorrow is the day we're all supposed to fill in that silly census. I know I'm gonna forget...
Lexy: I don't have Paypal. I find how to pay people and charges confusing.

You don't have to fill the cencus out tomorrow, do it now. Mother did ours about a week ago.
I want to do it online, I heard it's meant to be done before or on the 27th. Well, I don't want to do it at all actually, but there are enough people hassling me, census collectors will only be one more thing.
Reminds me of the time I was getting a tooth pulled and the dentist said "uh-oh." You don't EVER say things like that when you're working on a conscious patient!
Heh, when I had my wisdom teeth worked on they put me under so much gas (because of family history >.>) that I hallucinated that my teeth were severely impacted and they had to remove my tongue :eek:

Add in the fact that the assistant almost broke my jaw by prying it open with the clamps (it had locked, and apparently she didn't know that jaws could do that -__-) and that was not a good way to spend the day.

Bonus: I was lucid enough to hear the girl freak out when my jaw cracked! Serves her right for almost ruining my mouth.
I question the fact whether my dentist is actually qualified.
I had another dentist do a root filling WITHOUT numbing the tooth... i hate the bastards

EDIT~ I'm now doing stamp requests on DA... I wonder if vergil pics are good payment
I question the fact whether my dentist is actually qualified.
I had another dentist do a root filling WITHOUT numbing the tooth... i hate the bastards
Oh my God, my very first (and only, hopefully) filling they didn't numb me. It felt like someone was drilling into my teeth with the pointiest knives they could find. They told me if it hurt too much, they'd give me a shot, so I told them it hurt a LOT, and they didn't do anything! Lying bastards.
^i never trust anything a dentist says to me... i had a temporary filling come out a few months ago... i thought they were supposed to last a few months but, hey... it came out after a day.

Choose me, I have the mannerisms and eccentricity of Richard o' Brien and Ed Tudor Pole... yeah, she's really gonna fill those shoes! N00bz!
I always ask them to gas me; that way while they're rambling on about my brothers I'm watching the clouds painted on the ceiling like O.o
He only exists if you think about him. Now try not to think about him.
Well crap.
I love how there is so little info on DmC there is actually a thread discussing how little info there is. XD
Today's kind of slow...I should probably read those three chapters that are due tomorrow. >.>
(Watching Deadliest Warrior)
"Holy crap...Attila the hun is so going win this."
"nope...hes not."
"What? Are you blnd?"
"No, just smart, that crossbow is going to own him."
"Is not."
"Is too."
"IS not."
"IS...wait why am I have a conversation with myself in my own head?"
"....I have no idea."
Holy crap that was the trippiest, freakiest, weirdest game that I've ever played... No way am I ever playing that all the way through again... Oh who the hell am I kidding? I'm gonna pick it up again next week I'm sure.

+ It's coming tomorrow! Thank frigging God!