I came face to face with a leopard gecko once.
They're 'scarce' back home and very 'special'. But I was doing gardening and I shovelled a clump of ground behind me and dropped the shovel, and it fell over a friggin leopard gecko. It didn't kill it or hurt it or anything. No, it was lying there, barely a foot away from me, staring up at me with its black eyes and swinging it's fudgin tail. And then it licked its lips and I ran shrieking like hell itself was chasing me.
Yeah, I know I'm big in comparison, but you didn't see how it was looking at me. It was
hunting me I swear.
And then we had these living
in our house:
Four or five of them, they lived right under the crack beneath our sliding door. Some of them would get pretty fat and lumpy too. I only hated them because they'd climb up our curtains so when it came night time and I had to close our curtains, they'd fall and give me the biggest scare. But I wasn't really scared of them, I was too used to them I think.
But these things
Good lord I hate these things. They make these funny sounds and they used to be
everywhere when I moved to the coast. I mean bloody hell, and the thing that freaked me out is that they followed you with their eyes, and some were psycho and would try to jump at you too. Stupid things!
I have only one lovable lizard back home and that's this guy:
We used to have a lot of them in our garden. One lived in the tree right outside my room and called dibs on him. I always thought it was cute how they'd puff themselves up when they got mad. And then the snakes pitched up and the chameleons kinda disappeared
And I'm ranting about lizards and stuff because DT's posts never really make sense to me, but I know it's about lizards and it got me thinking about the ones I've handled before.
Prior to reading DT's post, I'm pretty sure I was thinking I want to eat something and then lie down, but now I can't be sure :/