Ebony Dante enthusiast! Premium Feb 6, 2009 2,063 536 3,170 Nov 5, 2010 #9,861 My ears are still ringing from just seeing Linkin Park live. It was a good night...... I think I'm getting a headache now though
My ears are still ringing from just seeing Linkin Park live. It was a good night...... I think I'm getting a headache now though
C Chaos Raiden Avid Gamer & Reviewer Feb 23, 2008 5,557 1,611 11,565 34 chaosdotgaming.blogspot.com Nov 6, 2010 #9,862 Thinking on what I should buy in the mall later.
Richtofen Nein, not ze puppies! Premium Aug 19, 2010 1,718 239 2,365 Kino Der Toten Nov 6, 2010 #9,863 *sigh* Why does my MSN messenger have to act up now of all times? ._. POS.
Ronan oakheart Premium Mar 1, 2010 1,304 253 3,015 Nov 6, 2010 #9,864 I'm not freezing my ass off at the game! :lol: In all fairness, playing in the band was awesome, but huddling together with a tuba for warmth is one thing I won't be missing anytime soon. Yay for smart choices! ^_^
I'm not freezing my ass off at the game! :lol: In all fairness, playing in the band was awesome, but huddling together with a tuba for warmth is one thing I won't be missing anytime soon. Yay for smart choices! ^_^
Meg Well-known Member Moderator Aug 21, 2009 7,483 5,373 16,175 Nov 6, 2010 #9,865 I applaud smart choices! :lol:
aka958 Don't trust people Feb 9, 2008 4,686 216 150 30 Nov 6, 2010 #9,866 Waahhhh!!! ;_; Yes... I totally needed that. <_<
BlueDevil Super Penguin Number 2 Premium Feb 4, 2010 1,226 40 1,255 31 Penguin-ville :3 Nov 6, 2010 #9,867 I'm so bored
Richtofen Nein, not ze puppies! Premium Aug 19, 2010 1,718 239 2,365 Kino Der Toten Nov 6, 2010 #9,868 *sigh* I don't need a family war going on between my mother and grandmother...
GamblingGambitCloud LoD Come Back!!! Oct 25, 2008 1,874 229 6,165 the lovely city of rapture.. :D Nov 6, 2010 #9,869 im thinkin you can party to any Rob Zombie song
DreadnoughtDT God of Hyperdeath Premium Supporter 2014 Dec 9, 2009 11,998 3,789 18,215 30 Underground Nov 6, 2010 #9,870 This girl at school... I don't think she realizes I'm taken. XD I'll have to asplain to her later.
Vergil's Waifu Voidwalker - Infernal Match Premium Aug 2, 2009 10,861 6,478 19,365 The Void Nov 6, 2010 #9,871 Christmas shopping done... it only took three hours on a sh*t internet link while watching Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. 4am, i need sleep.
Christmas shopping done... it only took three hours on a sh*t internet link while watching Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. 4am, i need sleep.
The crazy demon Metal Gear Vindicare. Jun 16, 2009 3,051 163 7,440 28 Holy Terra Nov 6, 2010 #9,872 I feell gooooooooooooooood
Dante'sgirl Forever For Dante Apr 10, 2010 478 42 755 34 Dante's heart Twitter Chiggynicks Nov 6, 2010 #9,873 I want to take a shower...again!!
The crazy demon Metal Gear Vindicare. Jun 16, 2009 3,051 163 7,440 28 Holy Terra Nov 6, 2010 #9,874 I think i know her already >.>
Richtofen Nein, not ze puppies! Premium Aug 19, 2010 1,718 239 2,365 Kino Der Toten Nov 6, 2010 #9,875 I should go out for a walk since the sun is actually out for once...
The crazy demon Metal Gear Vindicare. Jun 16, 2009 3,051 163 7,440 28 Holy Terra Nov 6, 2010 #9,876 Stupid mathematics ;.;
Richtofen Nein, not ze puppies! Premium Aug 19, 2010 1,718 239 2,365 Kino Der Toten Nov 6, 2010 #9,877 I don't think he needs to hear my life story...why do I rant on and on? ._.
Vergil's Waifu Voidwalker - Infernal Match Premium Aug 2, 2009 10,861 6,478 19,365 The Void Nov 6, 2010 #9,878 I just saved a baby woodlouse. If i didn't save it, Tilly would've killed it... leaving me feeling guilty. I need to sort out my Star Trek uniforms.
I just saved a baby woodlouse. If i didn't save it, Tilly would've killed it... leaving me feeling guilty. I need to sort out my Star Trek uniforms.
DreadnoughtDT God of Hyperdeath Premium Supporter 2014 Dec 9, 2009 11,998 3,789 18,215 30 Underground Nov 6, 2010 #9,879 *sigh* He's such a twot sometimes, I swear...
Ebony Dante enthusiast! Premium Feb 6, 2009 2,063 536 3,170 Nov 6, 2010 #9,880 My internet is being really crappy and slow tonight. My internet explorer came up with this page, as it culdn't get this forum to load in - forums de vilma y cry org I thought it was quite funny I was thinking what the hell is De Vilma? :lol:
My internet is being really crappy and slow tonight. My internet explorer came up with this page, as it culdn't get this forum to load in - forums de vilma y cry org I thought it was quite funny I was thinking what the hell is De Vilma? :lol: