I hate driving from LA. Eight hours of pure boredom, and I can't even text Miguel, Mattie, Marcus, or Kat until 3:15 and it's only 1:00. ;________________;
+ LOL. Sims!Daryl is such a gold digger. And Sims!Victor decided he's gay...again. I really should stop giving him the flirty trait.
+ I'm so sick, infected with, where I live, let me live without this, empty bliss, selfishness, I'm so sick.
+ You let me violate you, you let me desecrate you, you let me penetrate you, you let me complicate you.
+ Babble babble, bitch bitch, rebel rebel, party party, sex sex sex, and don't forget the 'violence'.
+ I go from Flyleaf to NIN to Marilyn Manson. My music tastes are weird.
+ I should work on NaNo. I'm, like, two thousand words behind.