Well considering how long they were down there, I'm sure some of them will be displaying signs of insanity sooner or later.Well, they rescued all miners
Master Vergil;282748 said:Well considering how long they were down there, I'm sure some of them will be displaying signs of insanity sooner or later.
Master Vergil;282753 said:^ Yeah they were stuck in there for a loooong loooong time. It would have made me go crazy. Did you see the tube cage thing they used to get them out? And it took 30 minutes for them lower and lift that thing. I'm not claustrophobic but being stuck in that 'elevator' thing with nothing but rock and metal around me and darkness, probably would have turned me into a claustrophobic.
Vergil'sB*tch;282757 said:Do you know something... i never thought of that
Master Vergil;282756 said:^They'd have to be superhuman not to suffer any after-effects of the ordeal. Really crazy stuff, though, I would have freaked. At least it didn't turn into a real horror fest where they had to eat each other to stay alive. Now that would have been really disturbing.
Master Vergil;282758 said:._. I blame my parents for my thought processes. They raised me on horror movies.
Tonks;282760 said:I saw IT when I was three. Well, technically I only saw the part where the clown leapt out of the sewer at the little boy...and that was enough to send me screaming out of the room ._.
I ran away from toilets until I was like eight ._.
To this day I HATE clowns. >_<
Tonks;282764 said:I like horror movies now, though...just keep me away from the clowns :lol:
No joke. Mom and I were watching a show about the scariest haunted houses in America a few weeks back...I was sitting there oozing over the special effects and explaining the technology behind all the scenes (and annoying the hell out of her, apparently). A clown came on the screen and I just about flipped over the chair. Needless to say, Mom laughed her ass off :lol:
Storm Silves;282767 said:I know I shouldn't sound scared, but I do! I always get kinda nervous when people say things like "Well..." or "You see..." cuz then I'm always like "Oh sh!t, what'd I do this time? ;_;"
Master Vergil;282770 said:Dawww DT its ok, we're a TEAM, remember? All I'll say is go back over what we discussed yesterday about Itharus being the main lead and then reread the first half of the first chapter, and you'll understand what I was going to talk to you about. I can't get on MSN, I just got some news that kinda killed my writing mood but I'll see what I can do over the weekend. Today just doesn't seem to be a good day for me, I'm really sorry![]()