Indeed, I am. I've kinda been blowing through the episodes this week, since there wasn't much else I could do while sick. xD (I'm on the Future Trunks Arc, atm). I'm also loving how Super doesn't drag things out as much as DBZ did; loved the show, but 20+ episodes for 5 minutes of battle was sure an agony, lol. Too bad TFS doesn't do the parody for it anymore--I'd love to see what they'd do with the new material (though I totally get why they needed to stop).
CT: I can't believe the last surviving zucchini plant is still going. I really thought she was done, but she's giving us at least four more zucchini to harvest before the frost hits. Such a hardworking plant. <3 Definitely gotta make more bread from it--so good!
+Got some family stuff planned today, including dining out. So that should be fun. ^^