Like.... what? I just got an e-mail that my Financial Law exam has been checked. I went to see the results and...
"Points: 30/40. Grade: 4"
The exam had 4 questions, all of them worth 10 points, and there was this one question which I couldn't even understand and I just guessed that "well... this thing may be related to this somehow and this too... or maybe not but let's just try... and uh see the tax law for this paragraph maybe"... so considering that I may have got a maximum of 2 points from this one, it seems that my answers on the remaining 3 questions must have been pretty good.
Our grades (if you pass the exam! If you get less than 50 % of all the points, it's just marked as "fail") go from 1-5, so I'm pretty happy atm. Shocked even. Thinking just about "how the heck, I didn't even, like, yes, no, wow, no, wtf" And feeling a bit sad too because I was two points away from the highest grade lol
Wondering also if there is a thread about studying on this forum. The search tool wasn't nice to me today.