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Sociopath somehow gets around my block on whatsapp. Sends: hello. How are you? Sorry about last time, okay.
Last time being May this year, 5 months ago, when I told her I'm going to England with my family for a holiday. She went bottom-of-hell crazy and accused me of not being who I said I was and that she didn't believe me and that she was going to call the authorities on me. This is after a week of catching up with her and exchanging pics of our kids. I said fudge that cookie and blocked her.
Me: ....*sends gif of angry man yelling we are not friends*
Sociopath: oky *sends wtf gif*
Me: *sends go away gif from Fuller House*
*blocks Sociopath & deletes chat. AGAIN.*
Seriously, though, I'm too busy living my life to give a hoot about what she wants this time.
It felt a lot better having an exchange with her/him/herm? No emotional strings attached, no Mrs Nice, just to the point and I didn't even have to use my words.She's not worth it and I'm not stupid enough to get suckered into another conversation with her again.
It also gave me an outlet for the pentup grrrr's I was holding back because it was a long day and all the kids turned into little poops. Honestly who calls a working mum of four kids at dinner time? When half the kids are in the tub, the other half are trying to murder each other and I'm dealing with a messy kitchen. Things she obviously never deals with herself because mama is always there to do it for her.:facepalm::thumbsdown:
Proud of myself. Went to see doctor and was offered one of my all time favourite prescription drugs...and I declined. Even though I wanted to scream out "OH MY GOSH YES THEY ARE MAH FAVE DRUGS EVAAAAR!" I calmly told him I have a propensity towards addiction where those drugs are concerned and therefore it would not be wise to prescribe it. Not to mention I can easily demolish a months supply in a week if not supervised.

So no fun drugs for me, just functional sensible ones which have crappy side effects but should actually help as opposed to fun drugs. Soooo much fun drugs....

I am definitely proud of me right now.
The ratio used to be 2 to 1. Considering it's 1.1 thousand a year, I suppose that's not too bad, thought I do think maybe a new hobby is in order. Now it's 7 to 6. Hoping for some more in 10 and counting down.
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I swear, looking into ways to train certain undesirable habits out of Kaz is as daunting as all the advice (unsolicited and otherwise) I received after having my daughter. ._.
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Well, that was a bit of a leap.

Aaannnnddd Zero.
That's 7,000 likes. And it only took 7 years... It's a good ratio.
So I'd like to thank the academy.
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I'm no Prince fan, but finishing the set last night with that stunning rendition of Purple Rain was unbelievable. People were still singing it all the way back to the hotel and way into the night.

Best concert I've been to in a looooong time
Me, googling whether it's possibly to grow plants out of a human heart for a prompt response: -happy research noises-
The NSA agent spying on my computer, softy but with a lot of feeling: "What the frick? Whatthefrickwhatthefrick W H AT T H E--"

Possibility is inconclusive, btw....

+ Need to start the yearly cookie-baking-frenzy soon. My list seems shorter this year.... =(
You know, watching Daredevil, it bothers me how everyone talks about DC movies being dark like it was a bad thing, yet Daredevil isn't catching any s' for it and it is much, much darker and dramatic as all hell. So melodramatic.
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You know, watching Daredevil, it bothers me how everyone talks about DC movies being dark like it was a bad thing, yet Daredevil isn't catching any s' for it

Probably because Marvel generally tends towards more colorful movies and so Daredevil is seen as a welcome variation, whereas DC does dark and moody almost all the time.
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Probably because Marvel generally tends towards more colorful movies and so Daredevil is seen as a welcome variation, whereas DC does dark and moody almost all the time.
Yeah, but with the DC at least you know they're separate entities, TV and film. With Marvel you'll never get a Spiderman movie where he faces off against Wilson Fisk. Can't, he's too dark and brutal for a Spiderman movie. Same for having an appearance with Daredevil, even as his lawyer, which is one of the nice things you're supposed to get from a shared universe.
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