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Tonks;254839 said:
4,000 words in...and not even done with the first chapter xD

When you feel all alone,
And the world has turned its back on you,
Give me a moment please,
To Tame your wild wild heart,
I know it feels like the walls are closing in on you,
It's hard to find relief,
And people can be so cruel,
When darkness is upon your door and you feel like you can't take anymore,

Let me be the one you call,
If you jump i'll break your fall,
Lift you up and fly away into the night.
If you need to fall apart,
I can mend a broken heart,
If you need to crash then crash and burn,
You're not alone.
When you feel all alone,
And a loyal friend is hard to find,
You're caught in a one-way street,
With the monsters in your head.
Whe hopes and dreams are far away,
And you feel like you cant face the day.


Because there has always been heartache and pain,
And when its over you'll breathe again.
You'll breathe again.
When you feel all alone,
And the world has turned it back on you,
Give me a moment please,
To tame your wild wild heart.


No, it's not a rant ;)
Just some lyrics I found that brought a smile to my face.

Let's just say I really needed to read that

Somehow that song seems to represent us. :wub: ^_^
I think living to please instead of worrying about my own feelings is best. Just as long as the people I care about are happy, that's what matters to me. I'm sorry to a certain person on here that I broke in front of last night, and thank you to another one...thank you for everything you've done for me...

And to the rest of this community...thank you guys too. Some of you don't even know me, but those of you that do have made me feel good in some way. So thanks.
DreadnoughtDT;254910 said:
Somehow that song seems to represent us. :wub: ^_^

So I'm not the only one who thinks it, then? :3

Current thought: Mom, if I say happy anniversary, will you give me a muffin?
depressed, depressed, depressed... oh mail... happy music...

I know you love me, but is it really necessary to call me
Fat, useless AND braindead?! You insult me more than what you do each other.... no wonder i'm so frigging unhappy
Vergil'sB*tch;254922 said:
I know you love me, but is it really necessary to call me
Fat, useless AND braindead?! You insult me more than what you do each other.... no wonder i'm so frigging unhappy

-hugs VB-

I hear that...minus the love bit of course. Maybe it's just the rebellious teenager in me, but I've decided to start insulting them back. It's obvious we hate each other anyway.

I really don't have the time to take their crap anymore
BlueDevil;254917 said:
I think living to please instead of worrying about my own feelings is best. Just as long as the people I care about are happy, that's what matters to me. I'm sorry to a certain person on here that I broke in front of last night, and thank you to another one...thank you for everything you've done for me...

And to the rest of this community...thank you guys too. Some of you don't even know me, but those of you that do have made me feel good in some way. So thanks.

Man... O_o
-is hugged-
Thanks Tonks.

I never rebelled when i was a teenager... i don't know why. I sure as hell don't do what i'm told now :D
I question the love bit too at times.

Why should anyone have to take that cr@p from their parents? (Grrr...)
Ugh, parents. My mother would always get drunk and tell me I was 'holding her back'. Because, you know, I had so much say over getting born and being a helpless kid for a few years. Then I leave home and it's "why do you never come and visit." Oh you know damn well why I never come and visit, you viper woman. :lol:
Vergil'sB*tch;254936 said:
Why should anyone have to take that cr@p from their parents? (Grrr...)

They shouldn't, that's the reality VB. If kids these days would put half as much effort into telling their parents that they're screwing up as they do into rebelling, there will be many more happy families. Or more endurable families, I should say. My dad used to discriminate against me because I'm a girl and the only times he actually communicated with me was to swear at me for doing something wrong/bad and calling me stupid.

I remember when I accidentally drove into the open window with my bike as a kid, my dad came storming out there like a bull gone awol and I got such a huge fright, I fell off my bike and called him a 'sot', which translates to 'pig' in English - it was the only time I've ever sworn at my dad to his face and it was more reflex than meant because that's the dialogue I had with my siblings. Anyway, he got so angry he physically threw my bike across the yard into the wall. Stuffed it up, no more bike, and I ran to my mom like the devil was chasing me. It was an awakening for my dad though, I'll never forget his face when I called him that - and honestly, that was nothing in comparison to the things he called me.

And then I grew up, figured a way to be cheeky and headstrong without actually rebelling or offending my parents. And when my dad tried to call me names thereafter I would fly into him and threaten to dump the dogs at the SPCA because maybe if THEY weren't there he'd treat his CHILDREN better (my dad loves dogs more than people, for real). And when my dad would criticise whatever I'm doing, I'd either drop it immediately and tell him to do it then, or I'll tell him to go away because he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. And, yes, it's now gotten to a point where both my parents try to control how I'm parenting my children, telling me what to do and what not to do, and my response is always that I wouldn't take their advice seeing as their method of parenting screwed me up. That's me, blunt to the point.

Really though VB, there comes a time when you have to step up and look them in the face and tell them, see here, I'm a person too, and I don't like the way you talk to me, so if you don't have anything nice to say then DON'T. Yes, they're your parents, but they're just people too. Unfortunately they are people who need to get a serious wake up call. That's just my view on it.

Thinking about it, I should probably have sent all this in PM form. But I'm really lazy right now.

It's 3 a.m. The kids won't let me sleep. Gimme a break, I'm allowed to be sloppy once in a while.

CT: :O Whoa, really Mom? We have psychological problems in the family? :dry: Tell me something I don't know.

Still, the little girl in the blue dress freaks me out. I knew there was something off. Sorry grandma, but I'm not visiting you again >_<
I hear what you're saying Cv and I know what you mean.

If there is one person i'm kinda scared of, its my dad. His rage's and tempers are something most sane people wouldn't wanna see ever!
As a kid, he only ever hit me once. (I don't remember, but it sounds about right.)
When i did something wrong, i used to lock myself in the bathroom until he calmed down.
I know what he can be really like, because my mum has told me...

At least they won't be insulting me for a while because they are verbally fighting with each other.
Yet again, my mum didn't listen to me, and look at what happened!
Yeah I konked out on the couch at around 9ish, and from midnight onward it was basically my daughter tried to come lie with me, took her back to her bed, as soon as I lay down my son started crying, went to try settle him, got back in bed, then my daughter started babbling away in her bed before climbing in with me again, so I let her lie next to me, then my son started up again... I quit trying to sleep by 2:30 >_< It's painful.
I think i am goin to play as vergil for some time as my attitude towards life is getting darker and i feel the urge to hold a katana.