I didn't plan this so soon, but I'm going out this afternoon to buy an exercise bicycle, cause I'm not a bear and don't need all these reserves for winter. Well, at least i think I'm not a bear...
That was awesome, superb, brilliant, and Sexy. If you agree like my post. Do it now, now I say!
Was the latest form really just what I've been seeing on the net these last few weeks? Like, just the blueish aura and spiked up hair? Cause wow, if that's the case, I didn't think they could be even less imaginative than when they came up with SSJ God and SSJ Blue.
Yes. While admittedly the new form simply titled "Mastery of Self Movement" is "plain" the history behind it is what matters. Whis told Son Goku and Vegeta that they need to learn to move their body without thinking back in the Revival F arc. That is what the form is. Toriyama always dicpicts plain or small characters as "OP" so this new form fits with his usual "MO."