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I didn't plan this so soon, but I'm going out this afternoon to buy an exercise bicycle, cause I'm not a bear and don't need all these reserves for winter. Well, at least i think I'm not a bear...
That was awesome, superb, brilliant, and Sexy. If you agree like my post. Do it now, now I say!

Was the latest form really just what I've been seeing on the net these last few weeks? Like, just the blueish aura and spiked up hair? Cause wow, if that's the case, I didn't think they could be even less imaginative than when they came up with SSJ God and SSJ Blue.
Was the latest form really just what I've been seeing on the net these last few weeks? Like, just the blueish aura and spiked up hair? Cause wow, if that's the case, I didn't think they could be even less imaginative than when they came up with SSJ God and SSJ Blue.

Yes. While admittedly the new form simply titled "Mastery of Self Movement" is "plain" the history behind it is what matters. Whis told Son Goku and Vegeta that they need to learn to move their body without thinking back in the Revival F arc. That is what the form is. Toriyama always dicpicts plain or small characters as "OP" so this new form fits with his usual "MO."
Yes. While admittedly the new form simply titled "Mastery of Self Movement" is "plain" the history behind it is what matters. Whis told Son Goku and Vegeta that they need to learn to move their body without thinking back in the Revival F arc. That is what the form is. Toriyama always dicpicts plain or small characters as "OP" so this new form fits with his usual "MO."

I think he shouldn't have gone for a new form at all then. If you wanna make Goku reach a new state of mind when fighting (cause based on your description, that's what moving your body without thinking seems to be... which btw, is the most basic concept of martial arts training, nothing really special at all but that's another matter), I think you should treat it as such, instead of feeling obliged to reflect it in a new state of the body as well. There was no new form when Goku learned how to use the Ki back in DB for example.

You don't need to keep churning out forms after forms after forms, or you run the risk of both derivative narrative (the fact that Dragon Ball has been a repetitive process of "meet strong enemy, get beaten, get a new form, beat the enemy, meet a stronger one, rinse and repeat" for a long time is known to everyone at this point) and derivative visual design.
Nearly done with the book The Walking Dead - Rise of the Governor that I bought 2 years ago in the U.S.. It's much better than I expected it to be. If you like The Walking Dead then I'm very sure that the book will be worth it for you, it's really good. Now I just have to purchase the two sequel books somewhere...

+Besides that my day has been pretty poor however, which is a shame. I feel like I wasted the past ~3 hours and I don't feel like doing anything productive. Probably just one of those days.
Toei. Toys. Money. It boils down to that.
Plus God knows how lazy Toriyama is when it comes to putting things together so this is typical Dragon Ball fashion. But Dragon Ball isn't the only one guilty of this, Super Sentai/Power Rangers and Kamen Rider poop new weapons and forms every other episode. It is about selling the Otakus something. But at least Dragon Ball has a story and history behind it where as Sentai and Rider are rehashed concepts. (Still love all of it thou.)

In other news:

I am taking a break! In fact, I am going to watch the latest episode of Kamen Rider Build and Space Sentai Kyuranger. Later!
I have a question to the Mothers on this forum. If your son/daughter tells you about someone they are talking to with the intent of dating them and you get "a feeling in my gut that so and so person isn't right for you." What does that me for you? Is that a mother's "Trust me, I know best" instinct or nonsense?
Would you want your child to heed your warning because "something doesn't feel right based on what you've told me about that person?" Mothers I need your wisdom right here, right now.
@Rebel Dynasty @Angel (...I don't know who else on here is a mom...)
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@Sparda's rejected son That's a tough one, as kiddo isn't at dating age just yet. ^^; While I definitely don't discount a mother's instincts, I do sometimes think personal feelings/past experiences can and are sometimes mistaken for the instinct of which you speak.

Whether that particular instinct can be trusted or not, I do think--provided the potential dating partner isn't harmful--that moms need to give their kids space enough to figure things out for themselves. You can't sort out your own feelings or experience anything really with someone hovering over you, watching (and most likely criticizing) your every step.

CT: It's amazing how just seeing some rough pose sketches could make me so frigging happy today. I can't wait to see how the final product turns out. ^^
If a new Ghost Rider movie is made, they should definitely cast David Hasselhoff for the role. He would be a perfect fit.
Ever since I watched The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, all I wanna do is write AUs inspired by it. All the AUs. All the sad, pining, romantic, ghost-and-human-are-in-love-but-can't-even-touch-each-other AUs. Basically I want to make people cry this Halloween. And yet I need to have DoV's final draft and MoI's latest round of editing finished in 3-6 days. OTL I'm never going to finish this in time.
Aw man, I could have hidden the cost of the figure itself, but the post, them damn moochers, went and charged me extra 162kn (around 25 bucks, almost half of what the figure cost) so I can pick up the package, and my mom saw the note from the postman. The mistress of passive-aggressiveness will strike again. :rolleyes:
I need to prepare my speech.