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I love when I come across someone else who knows that the proper symbol of medicine isn't Hermes' Caduceus, but Asclepius's staff. It's nice to see that, especially when most health establishments use the former instead of the latter (thus spreading the confusion further).

Edit: Good grief, I have no idea how I wound up putting "problem" in place of "proper" before. Must proof-read posts. ._.
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I love when I come across someone else who knows that the problem symbol of medicine isn't Hermes' Caduceus, but Asclepius's staff. It's nice to see that, especially when most health establishments use the former instead of the latter (thus spreading the confusion further).

Well, I know that because Trauma Center specifically has an organization called Caduceus, but also makes mention of people with the Healing Touch (basically being able to complete surgeries in SECONDS) are descendants of Asclepius, and they use the correct staff as a symbol.
I don't mind people knowing what's wrong with me, because I know they care. I don't see sharing your problems as a weakness, though I am selective about what I tell to whom.

In truth you are right. But as a wannbie Saiyan I proud myself on being the "Prince of all wannbie Saiyans!" No one will ever see my weak side. Nobody!
I've said to much once again! :eek:

Yay! My Official USA Carranger DVD came today. Time to fight for traffic safety! :cool:
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I hate when I have reoccurring nightmares, where I know something important about the environment (like how there's supposed to be a secret way to hide and get away from monsters or whatnot, but my dream self can't remember the how of it, because it's so long since I've been in this particular dreamscape) and on top of it, whoever or whatever I'm trying to hide from keeps changing. ._. Funny, I've watched and re-watched episodes of Trollhunters with kiddo loads of times now, and never once have I really found Angor Rot frightening enough to dream about. Apparently my subconscious disagrees. :unsure:

+ Gods, I love these books. Well, most books in general, but these are incredibly fun. Gives me a sort of Tim Burton-y, Crime Noir feeling. :inlove:
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So, today my tutor on the school-to-work program told me I could take the afternoon for myself and I got scared and thought I did something wrong since she said it like "You don't have to come this afternoon". I started panicking, but she told me that she said the same to my partner, since there are two new guys on another module that only come here a month, and that since we weren't doing anything ('cause there isn't anything to do at all) we could go home. So I arrived home and I took a 3 hour nap. Yay.
Huh, what am I NOT thinking.

Seriously, just name something and I'm probably not thinking about it.

Crime fighting?

That i turned 30 3 weeks ago and i feel weary ha

Just turned 22 today. Yaaaay.
I'm getting final fantasy XV after work.

Happy birthday to you both!

"Why do I feel so icky?" Could it possibly, maybe, sorta have something to do with you not eating in almost 24 hrs, self? We need to stop doing this.
Crime fighting?

Happy birthday to you both!

"Why do I feel so icky?" Could it possibly, maybe, sorta have something to do with you not eating in almost 24 hrs, self? We need to stop doing this.
Congrats :thumbsup: Personally thought FF XV was wonderful. Hope you enjoy it!
Thanks :D yum cheesecake
We ordered pizza and Sug wouldn't stop barking, so, when she finally stopped and came inside, I said "you good, Sug?" and the delivery guy said "yes, ma'am" and...I think he realized what he said cuz he wouldn't look me in the eye the rest of the transaction. I mean, it was kinda adorable, but I'm sorry that's probably gonna haunt you the rest of the day, dude.
Playing Dragon Quest Builders, I'm having so much fun with this game. I'm a huge fan of dragon quest, and this game does not disappoint. I'm not sure if anyone else picked up on this, but the game starts where Dragon Quest 1 ends, the final fight with the dragon king where he offers the player half of the world if he joins him; except in this world the decendet of Loto fails, and everything is destroyed. That's cool to me.