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Well I've finally done it. I finished Dragon Ball GT, that means I've watched everything pretending to the original Dragon Ball anime. I'm done, I've seen it all I've...

(Eyes wonder toward the Kai dvds, BoG, and RF dvds...)

Oh God fingering turtle soup! :banghead: This show never ends! :eek:

This cold is kicking my butt in ways I wasn't expecting. A day off should do me some good. :sleep:

I'm super thankful for my Mother. That woman is epic and God damn amazing. :thumbsup:
"Alright so I should really try asking out this girl I like, but she doesn't know me yet so I'm not sure whether it's a good idea to just ask her out like that. Alright then I'll see if I can start a conversation and go from there, but she's always around friends and if I just talk to her randomly they might get confused because they don't know me.

Well I could also see if I can get some one-on-one with her, but when she is she often has earplugs in so I don't want to bother her. Even then though, me starting a random conversation might be weird. Besides, I want to ask her out at the end of the conversation, but I don't know if that's like too fast."

I'm not very good at this.

>Still no progress

But I'll get there! I could always ask my brother for advice, he's the nonchalant out-goer that can always talk with anyone about anything.


There's something nice about a long day every once in a while, makes the short days feel nicer. Of course once I get a job I'll probably have a 9-to-5 situation, but I'll enjoy my short days while they last.
Now that that's done, I need to do one of two things:

1) Take the next couple of weeks off (since the hub will be leaving halfway through March--for 3 months).
2) Concentrate on less time-consuming forms of writerly work, like adding onto the prequels' outlines, or making a document of common factors linking them to the WoN Trilogy (I.e. references to characters' pasts/past interactions, dialogue, etc.)

+I must be in a reading slump. Oh well, so what if I take it slow for once?
Meanwhile at Dutch Railroad: "Guys we are SO. BORED. Should we make Dutchguy's train stop in front of a red sign for 20 minutes so that he misses the next 2 trains and wastes half an hour of his time?" "Eh why not."

Huh I wonder why my train just stopped in front of a red sign for 20 minutes for no reason.
I gotta admit, I'm annoyed at seeing my name pop up several times in this thread. :laugh: I could post somewhere else on the board. I mean, like duh! :bored:

(Careful folks. If you like this post then I could take this one of two ways. Way 1 is: "Yeah he does post here a lot. So annoying!" Or way 2: "Hehe, funny monkey." Their is no win-win situation here!) :eek:

Window sticker! Don't forget the damn window sticker. :cautious: Maybe I should get a hair cut... Yet so lazy and sick... :bored: Ya that's it, "too sick" that's genius! :eek:
@Rebel Dynasty and @LordOfDarkness

Smart ways to reply. My dignity has been left in tact. Thank you. :blush: Also darn it LOD, stop trying to force your bromance on me. I'm not ready for commitment yet and you know that. :bored: Thou your Lego Batman images are tempting... No SRS! No! Don't fall for his smooth Bruce Wayne like face! :eek:

Oh my KaMeHaMe-Ha! That rain is crazy! God save the house. Please. Please! :'(
It is getting increasingly difficult not to buy that book. On one hand, I have the first two in paperback, so I want to wait until this edition is released in paperback too. On the other, at least the cover will still match the first two if I get it in hardcover, since it'll probably be a year before this cover is released in paperback...and I'm a stickler for matching covers, when I can help it.

And it did just drop in price a butt load on the American Amazon site...:nailbiting:

Other girls can keep their shoes; I just want more books. :tongue: