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I do love that my reaction to stress is to get violently ill.

+ Did you know migraines can cause strokes? Cuz...I kinda figure that's something my doctor should have told me when he diagnosed them and not left it for me to hear about from outside sources. :|
++ I love making OCs that have no real purpose in the story. It's both really fun and makes me wonder when/if I ought to bring them back to torment them.
Chun Li and Ryu have the best costumes in the game, damn. Especially Halloween samurai Ryu.


Can't say the same for Ken. Come on Capcom.
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I loved Supernatural.
I mean, the old Supernatural, when it was all about beating the monsters.
Now it's just....diluted. Diluted, regurgitated Supernatural. Like some uber fans got Sam and Dean lookalikes to play watered down versions of themselves and in a tacky nonsensical fanfiction-esque plot.
I'm just gonna say it: even Jensen and Jared look like they're over it. They're good actors. They play the roles well. I mean yes they practically are these characters after playing them all these years but. But. You can tell when something's gone its course. Nothing lasts forever.
Kripke needs to let this go now. He should have let it go three or four (maybe even five) seasons ago.
Way to dig a pit and drag everyone down it with you.
I mean how many times can Dean and Sam actually die and go to hell/heaven and come back without it becoming boring? Oh, Dean's dead. Meh, he'll be back. Oh Sam's dead. Sad face, but we know he'll be back.
How many times can Crowley try to take over Lucifer's position before it becomes redundant? Like, two seasons back already.

I'd have liked to see them take a different route with season 12. Okay mom has come back from the dead, great. It would have been way better if Dean and Castiel and Mary didn't tell Sam who she really was. Have her cut her hair and dye it or something so he wouldn't recognise her from family photos. I thought this was what they were alluding to when she said she didn't know how she could face Sam since everything that's happened to him has been because of her. But nope. Nope. Their meeting was lacklustre. Mommy saves 'her boys' and automatically Sam knows she's his mum. Even though he was just a gurgling and pooping little baby when she died, and I'm pretty sure he didn't sit and waste his days moping over photos of her.
But the way they ended off season 11.... it was a warning flag already. They could have had so much FUN with that episode yet they didn't, and tried to make it all out serious, which made the climax extremely lame and left me feeling cheated of something far more entertaining and memorable.
And don't even get me started on the acting. They're better actors than that, they've proven it so many, many times before. Now it's like they're not even trying anymore. Like they're just pitching up to work and doing it half heartedly because they can get away with mediocre acting.

I think everyone can tell this series has run its course. Stop the fan-service. Just call it a day and shut it down. Leave the world with an awesome last episode rather than running it into the dirt for another season and being remembered as 'the series that should have ended x seasons ago'.
PLEASE, Kripke.
Just STOP.
@Dante's Stalker Which season involved Dean having the mark of Cain? Because that's pretty much where I stopped. ^^; I can't remember if I finished the season or not (didn't have Netflix at the time, and the site I was watching it on was being stupid). If I didn't, I'll probably finish at least that season, but from the sounds of it, going any further would just leave me disappointed. (Also, agreed! Holy crap, the amount of times they have to keep saving each other reached redundancy long ago. I get the brotherly loyalty thing, and I love it; but like anything else, when it's over done, it loses significance).

CT: T-minus two days and counting before I'm reduced to an irrational, emotional wreck. If not for the fact I need to feed off these feelings in order to write these last two scenes, I'd save myself the agony by reminding myself that it doesn't end with the first draft--and when the trilogy's entirely polished, it's still not over for the boys. (I'm really going to miss Gwen). :'(
Omg. -.- I'ma about to flip some tables because I'm getting no help at all. I went to a job center to help me look for a job... and they just told me what I've been doing all this time ..apply to places. Gee, I didn't know that! Thanks for wasting my time. Couldn't have done it any myself!

Makes me wanna crawl in a hole and disappear. ;3; My luck is so horrible.
I've decided that on the political scale, I'm on the "Jello is weird" end. Seriously, what's up with jello? I know it's made with bones, so if I ground up a bowl of bones and sugar and shook it with water, would that give me jello? and why is it transparent anyway? shouldn't I be seeing little bone specks migitated into it? WHY DONT I SEE BONES IN MY DESSERT?!!

now I just have a weird relationship with jello, some days I feel disgusted, other days I feel delightfully evil. one things for sure, don't vote jello this November
I've decided that on the political scale, I'm on the "Jello is weird" end. Seriously, what's up with jello? I know it's made with bones, so if I ground up a bowl of bones and sugar and shook it with water, would that give me jello? and why is it transparent anyway? shouldn't I be seeing little bone specks migitated into it? WHY DONT I SEE BONES IN MY DESSERT?!!

now I just have a weird relationship with jello, some days I feel disgusted, other days I feel delightfully evil. one things for sure, don't vote jello this November
Gelatin is not water soluble until you heat it, silly.
My mom likes to make a dish called hladetina, it's basically pig feet, skin and meat pieces that she then cooks in water with spices and when it cools off it becomes all gelatinous.
For desserts industry first has to get the collagen out of bones, skin and connecting tissue, then partially hydrolyze it to make gelatin for cooking, cause a crunchy dessert for all the wrong reasons is a yucky thing.