I'm feeling spooky with my next Let's Play endeavor, playing through Resi 2
I'm feeling spooky with my next Let's Play endeavor, playing through Resi 2
Um... what was it about your attire that had them raise a ruckus?Thank you Dominoes employees, you have impeccable taste.
Nothing special really. Batman hoodie the one time. Disturbed t-shirt the other.Um... what was it about your attire that had them raise a ruckus?
So apparently someone hacked the twitter of Hello Games and put this out there.
Gelatin is not water soluble until you heat it, silly.I've decided that on the political scale, I'm on the "Jello is weird" end. Seriously, what's up with jello? I know it's made with bones, so if I ground up a bowl of bones and sugar and shook it with water, would that give me jello? and why is it transparent anyway? shouldn't I be seeing little bone specks migitated into it? WHY DONT I SEE BONES IN MY DESSERT?!!
now I just have a weird relationship with jello, some days I feel disgusted, other days I feel delightfully evil. one things for sure, don't vote jello this November