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I dunno who this guy is, but if that's his reply to his haters accusing him to be gay, it ain't much.


You attracting girls doesn't imply that you're not gay. So if I were him I'd think of another reply.
It means she is screaming louder when he becomes her twitter follower than when her boyfriend is screwing her. It's an insult to his haters' bed skills, something that men are usually very sensitive to, homophobic macho men even more so.
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It's an insult to his haters' bed skills

But bed skills also don't depend on your sexuality. I dunno, if I were one of his haters, I'd laugh at that post instead of feeling owned.

I can't see why people enjoy naps. They throw your whole day away.

High five. A nap in the afternoon completely ruins my day. Not because it lasts long, but because I feel like total crap afterwards.
But bed skills also don't depend on your sexuality. I dunno, if I were one of his haters, I'd laugh at that post instead of feeling owned.
It's a rather weak insult, that's true, but it seems to me you are approaching it kinda wrongly. No, bed skills don't depend on sexuality, but if a girl is showing a more emotional reaction to a twitter follow from that gay dude, then the guy is doing something wrong and he ain't an alpha as he tries to make himself look.
Without fail, by the second week back kiddo's sick. On the plus side, she's not so sick that she can't go to school (though I wouldn't doubt that sometime next week, that'll be a thing).

+Okay, one more unplanned scene to go, then we'll be back on track.
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And thus I reach the Finale of my Dino Crisis 2 let's play, was quite a bit of fun. Definitely a series I hope to see brought back some day.
Vicious is getting a sequel! =D

Oh my gods, I'm so freaking stoked. I was just raving about this book to someone like two days ago, so to find out the story doesn't end there is just....*happy dance*.

I don't care; as soon as it comes out, it's getting bumped to the top of my list. :inlove:
100% actually. The veggies there are just ornaments. And it was ****ing goooooood. @Skagewid said he won't be able to go back to normal food again. Now he wants grigliata mista all the time.

Now I've done my normal breakfast....but it's not that ****ing good grigliata mista. The bacon in the mid was the "ultimate perfection that the meat can reach". Bacon is dangerous because addictive.
100% actually. The veggies there are just ornaments. And it was ****ing goooooood. @Skagewid said he won't be able to go back to normal food again. Now he wants grigliata mista all the time.

So jealous.... <3 (I looked up how to make it and that's a lot of meat...too bad not very many people in my family are big on meat or I'd consider attempting it for a family dinner.)

Mum just finished a debate about using magic to protect weapons from damage during travel by saying "fantasy is the genre that lets me wear a bikini! You can make rain come from the clouds!" ...'scuse me while I die. :laugh:
I looked up how to make it and that's a lot of meat...too bad not very many people in my family are big on meat or I'd consider attempting it for a family dinner.

We can fly over your house traveling thousands of kilometers and we can be your guinea pigs. Anything for some grigliata. No need for a family, in two we can eat it just fine. Just... just put some costolette please?
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We can fly over your house traveling thousands of kilometers and we can be your guinea pigs. Anything for some grigliata. No need for a family, in two we can eat it just fine. Just... just put some costolette please?

Costoletta like that who eats Fred Flinstones.
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Why? Why is getting Rick Rolled still a thing?! That song's going to be stuck in my head all day, now. ._.

+*Bouncing excitedly* I really hope hubby gets home soon. Since he's pretty much got a free day (aside from whatever he's doing this morning) we're running errands. Which when you get to do it without your kid(s), is a reason for celebration (even if said kid is usually pretty good).

That, and we're going to check out a semi-new spiritual shop I've been dying to check out. If it's anything like the chain back home, I'll be so happy. :') I want to make something clear; I hate shopping. But every now and then, if I get to check out something I like, bookish or otherwise, my inner girl comes out, lol. Otherwise, shopping can shove off.
University is the hell : for three months I ask information for an exam and nobody can answer me ; the one who answer me has done this exam , but he doesn't know how , and answer with ambiguous sentences, while the others don't answer because they have copied or they did everything without knowing what they were doing.
I'm goind crazy.