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Welcome back, Rae! ^^ (Your absence was definitely noted, lol). Have a good trip?

Thank you! ^^ It was, actually. I took a break from writing and spent most of the trip gaming and relaxing (which probably sounds like something I ought to do at home, but I wouldn't let myself relax and not write, so it was definitely needed) and found a couple souvenirs and someone's Halloween present. ;) I'm glad to be back, though. Even if it means a return to responsibility. -missed everyone--hopes everyone's doing well-
I know probably no one cares, but my funny comment I made on a Cracked post has 1,000 likes exactly at the moment.

The most likes I ever got on a post. People like me!
Not really. The Tokyo Game Show is primarily for Japan for the most part. You don't see people coming from all over to present their games there like you do at E3.
I agree, what about Capcom, do you think they would announce a game there or wait till the next E3?
I agree, what about Capcom, do you think they would announce a game there or wait till the next E3?
Well, Capcom announced RE 7 and Dead Rising 4 at E3. If something Devil May Cry related was in the works, it would have been announced there. I don't know of any Devil May Cry that made its debut at the Tokyo Game Show. All were at E3 first.
While I won't discount that there were/are probably many who jumped on the bandwagon because of his death, I will say that by and large, it wasn't the case for everyone. Most of the people I know claimed to like his interpretation of the Joker prior to Ledger's death--myself among them.

Indeed. People love Heath's Joker cause the performance was stellar. A lot of attention put into it. His posture, slightly hunchbacked, the way he talks, as if he's always on the verge of losing his ****, and how damn creepy he is when he does lose it. His stares, the way he mocks people, the menacing way he carries himself even when he's seemingly calm.

His Joker was spot on. Using his death to try to dismiss the quality of his performance just because it's massively liked is a cheap move as I see it.
I hope this passes soon. Kinda tired of being mired in self-doubt. :thumbsdown:

+Yeah...pretty sure the whole ball thing isn't going to work, now. Unless I change the purpose behind it. Maybe instead of being used as a celebration, it can be used to smoke their enemies out? Actually, that just might work...if I can figure out where the hell the current scene is going. :facepalm:
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PLOT TWIST: you don't

Well, I wasn't planning on going anywhere soon, so....

Me: I think I'll start on writing again--
Brain: Or you could go play more Arkham Knight because it looks even better on your com.
Me: ...you drive a hard bargain, brain.

+ Why was Jon logged in at Blackgate so many times? Why didn't he log out two days before Origins begins? So many questions.
Indeed. People love Heath's Joker cause the performance was stellar. A lot of attention put into it. His posture, slightly hunchbacked, the way he talks, as if he's always on the verge of losing his ****, and how damn creepy he is when he does lose it. His stares, the way he mocks people, the menacing way he carries himself even when he's seemingly calm.

His Joker was spot on. Using his death to try to dismiss the quality of his performance just because it's massively liked is a cheap move as I see it.

It's subjective. I think he was not the Joker but fit well into Nolan's universe. Ledger was an average actor, to me. Cameron Monaghan is perfect.

Again, subjective.
I'm wondering if FF15 delay will cause KH 2.8 to be delayed and with that any hope of hearing anything new about ff7r till 2017 since Nomura said he wouldnt talk about it till 2.8 is released.
True story.

I love alternate endings to movies.

Why can't you go into the cinema asking to watch the version where everyone dies at the end and the world gets blown up? Oh no, you've got to wait for the DVD.
So there this really handsome Shiba Inu that was wondering about my neighborhood a few months ago just randomly popped up again. <3 He's such a sweety and wish I could keep him. Sadly I can not. ;3; Would have been nice to since he is fully grown and well behaved. Anywhos, the hubby called the numbers on his tag and I hope they get in touch with the owners. >.>