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I wish Visual Novels were given more exposure in the West.
It seems that unless it gets an anime, VN's don't tend to get localised.

I need "Steins;Gate 0" to be localised as fast as possible. I loved the original game, it was so good.

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Good, good. Careful not to fall in the "vogghj a migghier e a vogghj mo" trap, as we like to say here.

I think Google translate is broken; it wouldn't show it in English. :laugh: What's it mean, out of curiosity?

@Shadow Welcome back! ^^

CT: Not all the way there yet, but feeling much better today. Can't wait to tuck into FotS later.
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Good, good. Careful not to fall in the "vogghj a migghier e a vogghj mo" trap, as we like to say here.

Thankies. ^^ Hmm...google won't translate that for me, either. Is it kinda like a "don't overdo it just to overdo it" kinda thing? (That said, this is over 50% cardio and my lungs are terrible [thanks, asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia] so I will probably die. -shall be taking her emergency inhaler everywhere-)

@Rebel Dynasty Thank you! ^^ It's good to be back!

Okay, since lots of people liked the post, here's the pics and travel story. (In spoilers because I don't want to make the page look weird.)

The drive wasn't too bad, actually, even though they're doing a boatload of construction on the main streets through town. Made it into Nevada before noon even though we'd left home around 7am. These are my grandparents at the Hoover Dam Lodge:

Look how cute they are! <3
Got to Vegas a couple hours later and stayed in the Paris (because Gran got free rooms and who says no to free rooms?) which was very...shiny. And loud. But I did like how pretty it was. ^^
Mum and my room:

Which looked a lot messier when we left. Beds were super comfy. 10/10 would sleep again.
And the view:

Fun fact: The Aria, which is on the other side of the Cosmopolitan, has a ton of leeks and green onions in their little video sign thing. And, to that, all I can say is, why? Why are there so many onions? Why???
Last, but not least...did I mention we ate lots of pastries?

In the first pic is:
-assorted macarons (why are they $3 each? No, seriously, why? That's ridiculous...Linq sells them cheaper and they taste better; go buy them there. Or go the Rio's buffet, grab a few handfuls of theirs, and hide them in your bag. I mean, what now? -innocent- >_>)
-chocolate pistachio mousse thing mum wanted (I don't like pistachio, but the chocolate was very yummy)
-strawberry tart (tasted good, but the creamy inner part was actually hard which was kinda a turn off)
The second pic:
-cherry flan (mum didn't let me try any of it, I guess she liked it. XD)
-tiramisu (it was literally a chocolate egg filled with marcapone and cream; om nom nom)
Not pictured: yeterday's breakfast! Which was:
-cinnamon roll (grandparents ate it and said it was good; not too sweet and not too heavy with lots of icing)
-cheese Danish (for mum; lots of cheese in it; mum liked it and I liked it ^^)
-chocolate twist (a little rich, but very, very good; full of bittersweet chocolate chips and I think a little pastry cream to keep them in there; I could happily eat one every morning...which is good incentive to never learn how to make it)
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I think Google translate is broken; it wouldn't show it in English. :laugh: What's it mean, out of curiosity?

Hmm...google won't translate that for me, either. Is it kinda like a "don't overdo it just to overdo it" kinda thing?

Yeah well, Google still doesn't have a translator for Basilicata's dialect. LOL

Literally means "I want a wife and I want it now". Meaning don't be eager to get results too soon and don't give up if you don't see them soon. Most people do, they lose their initial motivation if they don't see results in like, two weeks or something, and drop everything. It takes time, it's normal.

Some people take pictures of themselves before beginning the training, and after a couple months or so, they take another one to see the results and keep their motivation up. Also training with somebody helps. If you have fun while you train it becomes easier. Even just talking about it in a conversation with a friend helps you feel excited about it. Do everything it takes for you not to perceive it as a bore.

But the most important thing is, do not break the routine. Organize a program and stick by it. Also, modify your diet according to the type of training you're gonna do. Most people forget that 70% of the merit for the results goes to what (and how much) they eat, and only 30% to the training itself.
But both are important, a change of diet alone or just the training without a diet modification ain't gonna do it.

Last but not least, yeah don't overdo it. Overtraining is dangerous. Don't start hardcore, but keep raising the bar as you become able to withstand the current workload (you'll notice when you are, you'll feel like you did make an effort but you're not particularly sweaty or you feel like you can continue for another bit with the same intensity). The raising should be the right amount. Meaning, the amount it takes for you to feel tired and fatigued after you're done, but not utterly exhausted. That is overtraining.

Hope I was clear enough. I know how it is, I had problems at the start, results in terms of stamina, strength, speed, muscle tone etc were so little after even like, 4 months or so, that I almost wanted to quit, but my master explained to me how it works, and in my case I have a faster than average metabolism so I burn calories quickly and recover slowly that's why it took me a long time, I had to get my body used to another regime. It's all about that, improving your body, getting it used to its improved condition, and then raise the bar and getting it used to that higher condition. Rinse and repeat.

Don't hesitate to PM me if you wanna ask me for some more detailed advice.
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Damn, I should have gotten into Mayoiga once the show is over, this waiting for next episode is frustrating.
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I am fairly certain that neither of my boys have drawn breath all of today - the chatter has been incessant.

"mum mum mum mum mum mum dad dad dad dad dad dad dad!"
"come here! come here! come here! come here! come here! come here!"
" quick! quick! quick! quick! quick! quick! quick! quick! quick! quick!"
"I want juice! I want juice! I want juice! I want juice! I want juice!"
"He hit me! He took my stuff! He's pulling horrible faces at me!"
"Look at this!" (x1000 - turns out to be nothing more than a spoon that looks weird)

Or there is also my personal irritating favourite: the explaining of events that literally JUST happened whilst EVERYONE was in the room and saw things unfold AS THEY OCCURRED. But no, we definitely need a blow-by-blow account of what happened, complete with embellishments, repeating the same words over and over again and then getting distracted by something they have seen so they have to restart the whole story all over again.

It got to bed time and if I'm brutally honest, I started feigning deafness in the hope that it would deter them. Did not work.

May stick knitting needle into ear until actually deaf. Be totally worth the pain.
"Official language in Japan is English, right? After WWII, USA occupied them, and they made English the official language."
Wow, there's uneducated and then there's that. O_o

Anyway, the new job has been alright. They were impressed when I organised the messy cabinets. The files and stationary being all out of order was stinging my OCD eyes. :bored: