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the DOOM Beta is getting a ton of hate from the PC community for being a "console shooter"
and not a "Real DOOM game"
allot of the complaints i'v seen are completely valid

and i don't care about a single one because i'm having a ton of fun playing it

"and it was this day Director Bison found out what it was like to be a DmC fan" :wink:
Dinner pic!
Not shown: the ridiculous amount of Eton mess we all consumed about two hours later. <3 It all turned out so good, though.

Grilling meat on Cinco de Mayo? With real fire? =D Sign me up.

+ I should be NaNoing.
I don't mind that they got the end of Superman storyline out of the way first. It needed to happen.
Therapist: I think you make fun of people because you're insecure.

Me: *therapist voice* I'm a therapist who loves doing therapy dur dur dur.

I don't mind that they got the end of Superman storyline out of the way first. It needed to happen.
Putting aside the fact "The Death of Superman" is a dumb story, no, it didn't need to happen this early. For one, it's false drama because everyone knows he's coming back and even when. Justice League is out next year. And it basically just kills any stakes in future films.

Plus, there's this implication that it basically killed of Clark Kent for good, and we never even got to really see Clark Kent be Clark Kent. Another piece of evidence really pointing out that Zack really never gave a crap about Superman if he thinks that aspect is expendable.
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I'm sorry, Astral... :'( And Gwen. And everyone else his demise affects....But especially Gwen. I'm a terrible person.... D:

Now to make sure the emotional and psychological ramifications of this particular plot-point feel realistic/believable. That in itself isn't really the issue--it's just trying to make sure everything's covered without cramming too much into one area (i.e. see "info dumping").

+Opinions are not facts. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but that doesn't give them free reign to be rude when faced with someone else's. Why do people have so much trouble with this concept?

++Why do I feel like hell, still? I wonder if it's a minor stomach bug? :unsure:
Why do people have so much trouble with this concept?

The thing is people usually confuse the two. In the sense that they can't recognize what is subjected to opinions and what is not. Usually they tend to call opinions statements that touch subjects that are not open to opinions in the first place.

For example, if I say "I don't find F.E.A.R. scary", that is an opinion, because it is subjective to my perception of what's scary. Such perception varies depending on the individual.
But, if I say "F.E.A.R. is not that much of an horror FPS", that is not an opinion, it's just a false statement, into which I'm projecting my perception of F.E.A.R. as an unscary game.

And usually, when you make them notice this difference between what's open to opinions and what's factual they get butthurt and will try to ridicule your evidence without providing any. It's just how it goes.
Opinions are not facts. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but that doesn't give them free reign to be rude when faced with someone else's. Why do people have so much trouble with this concept?

Because people prefer to be 'right' by what they say, most of the time, and are less open to agreeing with someone/something if it doesn't fit their own ideals.

"To them, you're just a freak. Like me. They need you now, but when they don't... they'll cast you out."


"They found you amusing for a while, the people of this city. But the one thing they love more than a hero... is to see a hero fail, fall, die trying. In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually they will hate you."

Those two are not without something in common.
And I have to somehow slim down and shape up to fit into a cosplay outfit for Misa Amane. In a size S. According to Asian sizes. So that would be an XXS in NZ sizes. Um. I may need to sign up for The Biggest Loser Extreme lol
And figure out how I'm going to turn Nolan into a shinigami without him tearing his outfit to pieces or trying to eat it.
And hubby is going as L!!!!!!!!!!!

And then the other kids...bah, whatever, they can dress up or not, I'm not forcing it.
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Another chapter of WoN revised, because procrastinating on FotS. Luckily the next scene belongs to Reeves, so I won't have to deal with the aftermath feels right away. :unsure: I'm just not looking forward to them when I have to...

+I hope he jumps off his game early. I'm jonesin' for more Fairy Tail.
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jae roar and the comic book cast...two channels i will never understand WHY they have so many subscribers.
Really starting to regret RPing with that person on DA...

We've only been talking for a week, so no; I'm not letting you add me on Skype, or anywhere else for that matter. Guess I'd better just drop the bomb, and get it over with. Something tells me subtlety won't be enough with this one...:unsure:
Seems SUCH a blind DC fanboy, LOL. I do enjoy his reactions though.
dear god, it's insufferable. he gives ANYTHING/EVERYTHING with the DC logo on it the "grapefruit technique"

as for what i'm thinking currently...i have an even greater appreciation for DMC1 now because i got my friend to finally play it with me and now he hates me because he sucks at it so much. now there's a game i'm finally better than him at
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