*looks at cursed arm*
Figured this would happen.
A question I would like the Universe to give me the answer:
Men complain how women overdominate them , on how nag and how reduce them to trash, but this kind of women are precisely the most appreciated kind in tv , video games, movies, media in general.
So, can I conclude men prefer to be treated as "trash"?Hmm....
These characters serve as role.If someone likes a kind of female character, it gives hints the kind of women that person likes/appreciates unconsciously.No, there's a difference between what we like in real life and what we like in terms of character.
I love Long John Silver's character, but sure as hell I'd never wanna meet someone like him.
These characters serve as role.If someone likes a kind of female character, it gives hints the kind of women that person likes/appreciates unconsciously.
Not necessarily. It can be the case sometimes, but I wouldn't go as far as to say it's some kind of rule. In fact, I've read that in some cases, it's the opposite: sometimes people like in media what they don't in real life.
Let me explain :Not necessarily. It can be the case sometimes, but I wouldn't go as far as to say it's some kind of rule. In fact, I've read that in some cases, it's the opposite: sometimes people like in media what they don't in real life.
White hair and red coat is a big cliché in Japanese media. Though at least Archer's hair isn't naturally white.I just started watching Fate Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works, is it just me or does this guy remind you of anyone?