This is why, nearly six drafts on, I'm still writing.
I've also been thinking, in regards to writing, at which point does sexual tension, flirting and so on become out right erotica -_-; When I started this, I never thought I'd need to think about that...
It's a never-ending struggle, right? D:
I've wondered that, too. :S I've noticed a lot of romance-based stories seem to turn into erotica around the mid-point of the story. (Makes me wonder, is it because they're trying to live through their characters? Is it because they don't know what else to do to show how close the characters are? Are they just being lazy and trying the "instant gratification" route?) I think flirting and sexual tension (and even smut) is fine as long as it doesn't overload the story and kick the plot out the window, y'know? Like "yep, these two characters are hooking up, but hey! There's a bad guy that's much more important so let's put that on the back burner so they can save the world!"
I'm sorry if I'm rambling.... -gets carried away-