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Anyone want a muse for a day? He's free.... >.>

I'll take him. ;) I could use extra inspiration.

Self cleaning oven? More like oven-of-smoke-and-oh-god-I-hope-it-doesn't-set-the-house-on-fire.

EDIT: It set the fire alarms off. I guess the house doesn't want us to have a clean oven. :|
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I'll take him. ;) I could use extra inspiration.

Self cleaning oven? More like oven-of-smoke-and-oh-god-I-hope-it-doesn't-set-the-house-on-fire.

EDIT: It set the fire alarms off. I guess the house doesn't want us to have a clean oven. :|

Lol! He's all yours! :laugh: You can keep him until Saturday; hopefully by then he'll be better behaved. xD

Oh gods, I've never trusted the "self-cleaning" ones, either. ^^; I hope you can get it clean with a minimum of shrieking alarms.

CT: Spontaneous tea with a friend is nice. ^^ Now to get to work.
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Lol! He's all yours! :laugh: You can keep him until Saturday; hopefully by then he'll be better behaved. xD

Oh gods, I've never trusted the "self-cleaning" ones, either. ^^; I hope you can get it clean with a minimum of shrieking alarms.

LOL It's a deal! XD
:S It got an hour into its cycle and then the smoke set off every alarm in the house. I guess it makes sense...I've never cleaned the oven out. :/ But still. @_@ So much smoke. We've gotten all but one alarm off, though. And the oven does look better, so I guess it worked. But still. :| Makes me not want to use the self-cleaning option.
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So it turns out I misheard and the job ain't starting next month, but the 15th of this one. So close to Christmas, but okay.
A bit annoyed at the fact that I was told to even come one day sooner, cause then I will be coming without the tax card that I can't pick up till that Monday, not even before work. The guy said I can bring it on Tuesday, when I officially start, so I guess it's okay.
Why is it so hard for First Person Shooter developers to make the zoom effect apply only to the reflex sight of a gun, instead of extending it to the whole screen? That'd be much cooler imo.
the first x-men apocalypse trailer was aight. i'm still excited to see it. but same with the civil war trailer. for the amount of time they made me wait for it, i was expecting something more. at least the civil war trailer had a great final scene. it does give me hope tho, that they're not trying to sell this movie on wolverine
I'm conflicted;

On the one hand, I really would love to take out all of the money I have right now in my account.

And on the other hand, I don't.

- I was paid exactly a week ago, and I had £550 in my bank account. I took out £200, because I had to cancel my bank card and get a new one sent out, and I only just received it today. Now, my balance should be £350 (you'd think), but it isn't. I checked it earlier today, and it's still £550.

I'm completely stumped. I know for a fact that I'm getting paid next on Christmas Eve, so it's not money from any of my jobs. And it wouldn't be money from anything else. Furthermore, not to mention that it's the exact same figure I started out with at the beginning of the month.

So, the bank has made an error. What if I did take all of it out? Yeah, they'd say I probably knew it was a mistake. But how could they prove it? Also I'm keeping one of my jobs, but switching companies, and I'm meant to receive two different paychecks between 21st-24th December. So I could technically say that I thought I had been paid up from the last company before the switchover.

I just...It's not that I want to take money that doesn't actually belong to me (It's wrong, I know it is). I'm just thinking that it's really my bank's fault, not mine, surely? And therefore as a result, should I be responsible for what happens to that money? It's not like it was really taken off of somebody else, it was just an error where the money I took out a week ago didn't actually 'come out', so to speak. It wasn't an overpayment from an employer, or a payment from any other company, it was (as far as I can see) a simple error from my bank.

I'm not going to take it out though, I'll leave it. It's not mine, and as I said, I don't want to take it. I just don't see why they made the mistake.

Damn that temptation, though.
in high school i was a chain smoker. smoking was the only time i was able to calm down because my life was so hectic and terrible back then. i always felt like the world was going to crash down on me. i quit about a year ago now. not because i was afraid of cancer or health issues, but because i hated the fact that i got so dependent on cigarettes that i had almost no control over my body. and recently, i've started college, and near the end of my first semester, i haven't felt the urge to buy a pack of fags in what feels like forever. i'm really starting to wonder if college is right for me
So glad I got that out of the way. My head hurts. x_x

+Two more scenes, and I'll be done Chapter Twelve...yay! Or at least, I would be saying yay, if the last one wasn't so freaking long. Why do I do these things to myself?:facepalm:

On the plus side, things are really coming together with these new developments to FotS. Looks like one of the characters from my "as of yet not even started" side project is going to be playing a more integral role in the trilogy than I thought.

On the down side, I have a lot of research ahead of me. :'(
I've been lazy the past few days. lol Even though I finished reading all three of my books in one week, still need to read more. And I'm getting more ideas than I could write. >.> My muse is being very pushy. lol (¬_¬) Maybe I should start writing....but after I finish this episode of Log Horizon. (◎◎ヘ)