Teeheeheeheehee.Okay, I'm in love with it, already. Harry Dresden is all kinds of awesome. @Dante's Stalker this is all your fault, lol.

+Am I the only one who thinks it's disgusting and annoying when people constantly update their profile pics on FB with their selfies? There's the 'sultry' selfie, there's the 'innocent' selfie, there's the 'fun' selfie, there's the 'look at my hair but really look at my boobs' selfie, etc. I mean, FFS.
You find the need to sell yourself on FB like you're some celebrity or some youtube star and everyone HAS to see a new selfie of you every week or two. I'm not jealous. I never thought you were that hot. I only nodded and smiled when everyone else said as much. I don't need a layered mask of makeup every day to look good. I'm beautiful without needing to put it on. I know because my hubby tells me every other day. What did yours start to say - you're being inappropriate? You're being selfish? You're being paranoid?
Back to the point. Stop selling yourself on FB. You're trying way too hard. It's embarrassing and it's ruining my style, mate.