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What Are You Thinking?


Fake Geek Girl.
It's not necessarily the disability that makes you feel as though life sucks - it's the pig ignorance of other people.
I know that all too well. Being diagnosed with bipolar and depression, I was surrounded by a family for the most part who never understood it. I was just the freak, and effed up troublemaker who's problems were given a label. The basket case who wasn't a human being, but a thing that just needed to be programmed somehow with pills.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
@LordOfDarkness -Gigglesnorts- Liar. :laugh: Admit it; you like doing nice things for people....)

Where have you been getting these ideas from? This is 100% inaccurate.

...Okay, fine. I admit it. The odd good deed every once in a while almost manages to make me smile, even though I am shrouded in complete darkness.


Well-known Member
It wasn't his catalyst to become a superhero. That's what I'm talking about.

Well it sort of. because deep inside of him he always knew that he isn't from earth. And when he found out about what happened to his home planet. He decided to use his power to protect earth and make sure that it doesn't end up like his home planet. That is one of the reason why he created the Fortress of Solitude and has a a memorial statue of Jor-El and Lara, Superman's Kryptonian parents, holding a large globe of Krypton.


Fake Geek Girl.
Well it sort of. because deep inside of him he always knew that he isn't from earth. And when he found out about what happened to his home planet. He decided to use his power to protect earth and make sure that it doesn't end up like his home planet. That is one of the reason why he created the Fortress of Solitude and has a a memorial statue of Jor-El and Lara, Superman's Kryptonian parents, holding a large globe of Krypton.
Pa Kent was Clark's biggest influence. He raised him to be good.


Fake Geek Girl.
Been playing Dishonored and if I'm an assassin in it, I'll fulfill the status quo. I haven't been really using any non lethal means. I'm just mass murdering everyone. I even chopped off some dudes head and left it on a dining room table plate as an example. In my mind sending a message.


the horror was for love
To Twitter pimp this fic or not to Twitter pimp this fic. Too bad none of my old Lionhead contacts are still there. =(

+ *settles in for the day**writes*


Fake Geek Girl.
I see some people posting video game reviews and other game related articles on here, I wonder if I should do the same. Would anyone be interested in reading my silly game reviews? Or more likely movie reviews.



Well-known Member
Seeing all the bumped threads, all the remakes and reboots makes me want to bring THAT old thread back.

Pa Kent was Clark's biggest influence. He raised him to be good.

I thought Ma Kent was Clark's biggest influence. I mean she was the one who made him his custom.
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the horror was for love
C'mon, brain, we can do this! We wrote 75k in two weeks last month, we can edit seven chapters in the same amount of time. It'll be easy! =3

Brain: "Nyeeeeeeeeeeh. -drags self into gear-"


the horror was for love
It just took me over half an hour to realize I've been sitting like this

for quite a while now. :bored: The L disease is much stronger than I previously thought and apparently capable of popping up at random moments. Oh noes.

+ Batman thermos is best thermos. :inlove: *sips coffee*


Fake Geek Girl.
It just took me over half an hour to realize I've been sitting like this

for quite a while now. :bored: The L disease is much stronger than I previously thought and apparently capable of popping up at random moments. Oh noes.

+ Batman thermos is best thermos. :inlove: *sips coffee*
After watching Death Note, I kind of found myself doing the same thing. Except I didn't eat all those sweets.

As for what I'm thinking, well, I was playing Dishonored again and found this guy chained up about to be executed and stuff. I apparently had a "choice" to free him, but before I did I pulled out my TellTale heart which tells me secrets about the world and aimed it towards him.

The thing was basically telling me every reason NOT to free him as he'd stab me in the back and shizz. So, I pulled out my gun and shot him in the face. Game over. WTF?!
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