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but Sug isn't doing too well. She's got a pretty moderate heart murmur. They're doing some bloodwork and will be doing some other tests soon to see what they can do for it. Feeling really bad for mum, though; apparently, if Sug goes on meds, it only gives her a life expectancy of 1 - 2 more years. =(

Hope that Sug gets better soon.

Speaking of pirates i just remembered an old comedy movie that i need to go and re-watch.
Want to bake bread. All that kneading and pounding the dough is quite therapeutic if you imagine someone's face there instead...

You could imagine it's Homer Simpson's face. Y'know, because 'doh'...that was probably the stupidest joke ever.
Hmmm, keyboard is acting up and I can't type properly. Sigh I want to get the next Arcade Room up, aslo to write the next chapter of my dmc fanfic.

Sigh I need to get a good to pay for a lot of things. .like my final fantasy 14 sub and to pay of some bills....-.- a lot of places are hiring but no one wants to hire me. And I'm not working at fast food. They are beyond horrible. I work in Orlando and people seem to be just urg. >.<
Latest government appointments include an equality minister who is against gay marriage, a justice minister who in the past has advocated the return of capital punishment and now a disabilities minister who has relentlessly voted AGAINST disabled adults, disabled children and those with cancer.

Found this picture, it was titled Kama Sutra. Guess it's the latest edition. XD
