that moment when you're watching porn and you get caught up in the story and forget you're watching porn 

Looking between Vergil and Dante, I just think that Vergil's the Special fighter while Dante's the Physical. And seeing Vergil's new moves now in DMC4:SE, he looks stronger than Dante now. I wished there was a side story of older Dante/Vergil will fight and see who's the strongest by the years that passed by. Oh well.
I can just feel my blood pressure rising right now--and I can't tell which one of the many things going through my head is doing it. Bet that phone call didn't help. :banghead:
That's right, LoD's got a new avatar!
=( I'm sorry, Rebel. -huglz-
Aww, s'okay. It's not like you did anything, silly.I would very much like to throttle both of my parents, however...
Eeeee! This means you updated, yes? =D *Runs off to read MoI, now*
Have fun gaming; you've earned it. :thumbsup:
@Shadow: Aw, cheers! I think it really brings out my complexion. And y'know, I'm not all dark and evil...