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"You're a good friend", "You're kind and caring" and "you are too nice person" this is what most people say about me. But if that was true then why can't i see myself like that. Why do i see myself as a little evil kid who question everything he says or do?
@Shadow: Aw, thanks. You're too sweet. I'm starting to think you are that cute bunny rabbit you just posted :)

Aww. =3 When my kitten army takes over the world, you shall indeed be spared. :cool:

"You're a good friend", "You're kind and caring" and "you are too nice person" this is what most people say about me. But if that was true then why can't i see myself like that. Why do i see myself as a little evil kid who question everything he says or do?

I see myself in the same way. :/ Maybe it's because we have a harder time seeing ourselves objectively when we know what we're thinking and what motivates us. And, since we have a hard time reconciling that, we then see ourselves in a purely negative/selfish/whatever light. The thing is, if we really were the way we saw ourselves, we probably would never see ourselves that way. Most of the truly selfish people I know felt they deserved all the stuff they were taking; same for other types of people. A lot of good people don't see themselves as good. They look at what they've done and think "I should have done this", "I should have helped this person more", "I need to do more for everyone" and don't see that what they've already done has done so much good.

To get back on point, I think we just need to look at ourselves more clearly. If we feel we need to change, we should work toward that change (change only happens if you want it, after all), and, most importantly, be open minded. =) *believes that one should never stop improving oneself and that they should never stop learning, especially from their mistakes*

Sorry if that was rambling. ._. Just my thoughts on it. *hides*
Have an idea for a children's book but need input from the special needs community... like anyone has time for that in between caring 24/7 for their kid. I know I don't.

Ah well...
I can give some feedback if you like? You make time for the important things in life, right?
I see myself in the same way. :/ Maybe it's because we have a harder time seeing ourselves objectively when we know what we're thinking and what motivates us. And, since we have a hard time reconciling that, we then see ourselves in a purely negative/selfish/whatever light. The thing is, if we really were the way we saw ourselves, we probably would never see ourselves that way. Most of the truly selfish people I know felt they deserved all the stuff they were taking; same for other types of people. A lot of good people don't see themselves as good. They look at what they've done and think "I should have done this", "I should have helped this person more", "I need to do more for everyone" and don't see that what they've already done has done so much good.

To get back on point, I think we just need to look at ourselves more clearly. If we feel we need to change, we should work toward that change (change only happens if you want it, after all), and, most importantly, be open minded. =) *believes that one should never stop improving oneself and that they should never stop learning, especially from their mistakes*

Sorry if that was rambling. ._. Just my thoughts on it. *hides*

What you said makes a lot of sense. But sometimes its hard to get up and help someone, do something or change something about you don't know what motivates you.

There is no need to apologize. Your thoughts are really appreciated :)
I can give some feedback if you like? You make time for the important things in life, right?
From what I've been able to glean so far, there is very little on the mainstream market out there that covers disabilities in a fun way - it's all semi-biographical, factual, patronising and downright boring if I'm honest.

One mum I spoke to said she really wanted something superhero or alien related to get her younger son to read and understand his older brother's issues - the only superhero one out there is a whopping $15 and no disabled family I know has got money to burn like that.

I like the idea of creating something that's relevant to a little boy's interests - for the aforementioned mum, it's superheroes. For Josh, say, it's dinosaurs or something gross involving poop (so he'd be well in the market for a smearing story - mercifully Jake hasn't started that phase yet)

But yeah, once I can get something down some feedback would be great - plus if you have any input of your own from your own experiences that would be cool too. The more people I can speak to, the bigger the picture and the more common themes I can draw from.
"You're a good friend", "You're kind and caring" and "you are too nice person" this is what most people say about me. But if that was true then why can't i see myself like that.
Just use it to your advantage like I do. :sneaky:
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Joss Whedon was getting attacked by those idiots who said he was misogynistic in one scene with Black Widow in Age of Ultron.

Minor spoiler alert: It was a scene where Scarlet Witch hexed her making her live out some terrible memories. And it made her sad, so she reached out for reassurance from a friend, who happened to be a man.

Because women are not ever allowed to get sad and seek comfort in their friends. :facepalm:
Joss Whedon was getting attacked by those idiots who said he was misogynistic in one scene with Black Widow in Age of Ultron.

Minor spoiler alert: It was a scene where Scarlet Witch hexed her making her live out some terrible memories. And it made her sad, so she reached out for reassurance from a friend, who happened to be a man.

Because women are not ever allowed to get sad and seek comfort in their friends. :facepalm:

Oh god...these people are clearly unaware that Joss Whedon likes to write strong female characters, then. And yeah, agreed; just like the ridiculous expectations society has for men, the same can be said for women.
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What I am currently thinking cannot be put into print because I would not only have to ban myself from this site but also hand myself over to the authorities for hate crimes.

Just know that David Cameron needs shooting.

That is all.
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Happened to catch Supernatural. The Hanzel and the witch episode. That kid has got to be a fan of the show. He was way too good as Dean. I actually worried at one point that they'd keep him to replace Jensen.
Which I wouldn't have minded since teen-Dean and adult-Sam would've been verrrrrrry entertaining.
But my eye candy!
I luv my eye candy too much.

+ ugh Vampire diaries is on. I want to slap Stefan every time he wears that stupid jacket. Dude YOU'RE NOT ELVIS put the bloody collar down! It kills my OCD. Just FIX it dammit!
And why is Elena now wearing Katherine's hairstyle? Grrr.
Ian is still so disappointing.
The only entertainment value vd has left for me is watching it on mute and doing the vo with hubby.
Since he's not here and it's past midnight, good excuse to go to sleep now.
Hmm, Looking up Silent Hill 2 for my next Arcade Room post. I love that games very much. It brings back so many good memories ...like the time I felt really scared when I played a survival horror.... and not startled at jump scare #852. SIgh
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+ ugh Vampire diaries is on. I want to slap Stefan every time he wears that stupid jacket. Dude YOU'RE NOT ELVIS put the bloody collar down! It kills my OCD. Just FIX it dammit!
And why is Elena now wearing Katherine's hairstyle? Grrr.
Ian is still so disappointing.
The only entertainment value vd has left for me is watching it on mute and doing the vo with hubby.
Since he's not here and it's past midnight, good excuse to go to sleep now.

Stuff like this is why I'm glad I don't still watch the show. I'm not as big a fan of the series as I used to be (considering the most recent books) but still...it's like watching someone artfully murder an ex-love. :'( (On a side note, the muting and then doing a voice over thing is what mum and I do for silent movies. XD)


Well...hopefully what writing I managed last night hold up. I guess I can post now.

+ I wonder when we're going to the post office. She said she'd help me mail it all out and it's seriously across the street. :/