You're very childish lately...
Might be cause I cut my beard.
You're very childish lately...
You said you look like a kid when you shave, it turns out you act like one. Not cool, makes me feel old when talking to you.Might be cause I cut my beard.
Right. But Raiden doesn't use horses.
So they are useless and look stupid. Meh.
They look stupid but they're foot grips for his blade. So not useless.
Eh, Raiden is still a b!tch regardless.
Yeah just noticed. Well, at least the rest of his design looks cool. I especially dig that visor of his.
I remember Zone of The Enders. Dug them. I should seek them out again.If you like the design of his visor, armor and such, you would probably like the designs of the mechs in Kojima's other series, Zone of the Enders.
The ONLY problem is that... Well, Kojima kinda takes the word "cockpit" a little too seriously.
But there was no need for a reboot, you should have just added more ingredients and explained what type of cheese it is! XD@Viper: Reboot. It's the direction in which everything goes these days. I mean I ate my lunch earlier, had a cheese and ham sandwich. But in the reboot version the bread I used was white and not brown.