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So last night, after a year or more of suffering with terminal cancer, my aunt passed away.

I haven't seen her in over three years, so I honestly don't know how I feel--relieved, I guess, since she's no longer suffering. I was rather fond of her, don't get me wrong; we just haven't been close for awhile now (and she made it a point to keep a fair distance from people when she was diagnosed; she wouldn't want tears, and I might actually be the only one capable of not shedding them--and yet, there's nothing noble about it. I just can't feel anything right now).

R.I.P. Aunt Julie.
oh :( my condolences
So last night, after a year or more of suffering with terminal cancer, my aunt passed away.

I haven't seen her in over three years, so I honestly don't know how I feel--relieved, I guess, since she's no longer suffering. I was rather fond of her, don't get me wrong; we just haven't been close for awhile now (and she made it a point to keep a fair distance from people when she was diagnosed; she wouldn't want tears, and I might actually be the only one capable of not shedding them--and yet, there's nothing noble about it. I just can't feel anything right now).

R.I.P. Aunt Julie.

God, I'm really really sorry, I completely missed this post, Rebel, my head is so fuming cause of studying...
My sincerest condolances, really. I won't put a like, cause I don't like that you lost your aunt.
oh :( my condolences
God, I'm really really sorry, I completely missed this post, Rebel, my head is so fuming cause of studying...
My sincerest condolances, really. I won't put a like, cause I don't like that you lost your aunt.

Thanks, guys. -Huggles the forums- I really appreciate it.
I wanna pet it


I love dogs. Sugar is so adorable.

Aww, thank you.

So last night, after a year or more of suffering with terminal cancer, my aunt passed away.

I haven't seen her in over three years, so I honestly don't know how I feel--relieved, I guess, since she's no longer suffering. I was rather fond of her, don't get me wrong; we just haven't been close for awhile now (and she made it a point to keep a fair distance from people when she was diagnosed; she wouldn't want tears, and I might actually be the only one capable of not shedding them--and yet, there's nothing noble about it. I just can't feel anything right now).

R.I.P. Aunt Julie.

Oh, Rebel. =( *hugs a lot* I'm so sorry that you lost her. :'(
That's why I want March 10th to come fast. I need more info.

But hey, as they say, you leave the best for last. I hope the info they'll release will be worth the wait.

With all the stuff they fixed/added with DmC DE, they need a HELLUVA lot of stuff to match or surpass that.
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Oh, Rebel. =( *hugs a lot* I'm so sorry that you lost her. :'(

*Huggles* Thankies, Shadow. I know it's weird to say, but I'm actually alright. I think because it was a long time coming, I'm more happy, knowing she isn't hurting anymore. Sad I won't get to see her again, but glad that the last time I saw her was when she was the picture of health--a great deal more than I can say for my cousin, who took care of her for the last couple of months.

I should be on later to chat, probably within the next couple of hours. Talk to you, then?
With all the stuff they fixed/added with DmC DE, they need a HELLUVA lot of stuff to match or surpass that.

But thing is, in a Special Edition you can only fix gameplay stuff. I would love to see actual Dante levels, new bosses etc. but it's a Special Edition, not a full remake.
BUT, unlike DmC, DMC4's combat doesn't really need the same number of fixes/adds the DmC DE is getting. The only thing I could think of is more moves and weapons for Nero.
Instead, the heavy weight for DMC4 SE will be Vergil. No matter if he's just a playable character or if he will get a campaign. Cause even in the worst scenario, him just being a playable character, that would already be a surpass in itself. It won't just be a bunch of gameplay tweaks, it will be an entire new character to the game to play as. The only concern would be his arsenal's extent.
And of course, if on top of that, he will also get a story (which is doable, unlike remaking the main game's story), well...

The more I write of it, the more hyped I get so I better stop here... LOL
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*Huggles* Thankies, Shadow. I know it's weird to say, but I'm actually alright. I think because it was a long time coming, I'm more happy, knowing she isn't hurting anymore. Sad I won't get to see her again, but glad that the last time I saw her was when she was the picture of health--a great deal more than I can say for my cousin, who took care of her for the last couple of months.

I should be on later to chat, probably within the next couple of hours. Talk to you, then?

*huglz* You're welcome. =) I don't think it's weird, at all. I know that, whenever I've lost someone who was sick when they passed I've always been, to some degree, pleased that they're no longer suffering and no longer in pain. I'm sad you won't get to see her again, as well, but it is good that she was healthy when you last saw her. =) Hopefully you can focus on the good memories and not the bad, then.

Sure thing! Chat to you then.

I hope we can get an appointment on Friday so I don't have to wait until Monday. I mean...I'll probably still have to wait until Monday to get a lab appointment, but still. Ew.
So last night, after a year or more of suffering with terminal cancer, my aunt passed away.

I haven't seen her in over three years, so I honestly don't know how I feel--relieved, I guess, since she's no longer suffering. I was rather fond of her, don't get me wrong; we just haven't been close for awhile now (and she made it a point to keep a fair distance from people when she was diagnosed; she wouldn't want tears, and I might actually be the only one capable of not shedding them--and yet, there's nothing noble about it. I just can't feel anything right now).

R.I.P. Aunt Julie.

I'm sorry about your loss. And may your Aunt Rest in peace.

CT: Sometimes i wonder what do actors talk about when they walk away from the camera.
No, they don't. Just throw in the same DMC3 Vergil moveset (or something close to that) and no one will find any reason to complain. Again.

Maybe for you. That is not nearly enough content to warrant a repurchase for me. If they don't match or surpass DmC DE in quality then I'm going to give it a pass.

I can't stand people who act like if a game had ONE thing added that it would be the be-all-end-all best game ever. DMC4 SE NEEDS more content than just "Oh we have Vergil now herpa derp".
They've had what, 8 or so years to work on it? If they can't deliver more than one new character it's an awful buy.
That's true.

I just (fully) realized, that other than a (possible) Vergil campaign and (maybe) the Gods Must Die & LDK Modes on consoles, I don't know what else they'll develop. In fact, that just might be it.
Alright, here's what I want.

New difficulty modes
New levels (maybe)
Vergil mode
New costumes

They've had what, 8 or so years to work on it? If they can't deliver more than one new character it's an awful buy.

Oh please, all of this; if I'm going to buy a next-gen console sometime this year, I want to be able to buy DMC4 SE--and I want it to be worth my time. Otherwise, I'm okay with playing the original DMC4 on my PS3...you know, with the faulty, "this game has trophies! But it really doesn't " thing...

Damn them for never fixing that. >:(
DMC 4: SE may not just be a case of adding Vergil. If they do put him in Fortuna around the same time as Dante and Nero or just before or after, it would still mean he is alive. DMC 4: SE (could) be Vergil's return in a big way, such as developing a story for DMC 5.