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the horror was for love
So Gran decided to randomly spring on me that we should go to Comic Con for my birthday and all I could say was that I need to think on it. See, last time we tried to go Gran and I had the worst fight we've had in ages, after which neither of us would talk to the other and I cried a lot (I'm sure she did, too). So I'm apprehensive, to say the least. Which means I'll probably be saying no, if only because I don't want to be getting into all the drama again and I've not got time to get cosplays together. I'd rather have a quiet, no-big-deal birthday than one where I'm miserable.

+ Did I seriously just get a plot bunny for that? Good lord.... :rolleyes:


Fake Geek Girl.

Rocked so hard drumming I broke my stick. I can't find the nylon top anywhere. These were the sticks my girlfriend bought me too.

Update: I found the tip lol.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
For some reason im thinking Josh keaton's rendition of ryu H. in NG2 was more distinct than troy baker's but maybe its cause I hear him less.

I do hope if there is a DOA6 and it has some new characters, that they go outside of their comfort zone when designing them.


the horror was for love
*is gaming**very blatantly rides into a stealth area on a caragor*

*five seconds later has gotten the attention of every ghul in a mile radius and is on fire*

Probably should have gotten off the caragor first. :unsure: *can't help herself**luffs the ebil menaces**snuggles them*


Fake Geek Girl.
I don't know what to think or feel right now. Is this bad?

My uncle, who can be a bit of a pr!ck, attempted suicide. Apparently he stabbed himself in the chest and stomach. Right now he's in surgery, and it's not looking so good. I may not like him, but I do love him as at one time we were pretty close. But his drinking and issues drove a wedge in between us that I've never been able to let go completely.

I'm preparing myself for the worst case scenario, but I don't know about everyone else. Especially my grandma who has enough medical issues as is and can't afford to be stressed. He's also got two small kids. My cousins are only 6 and 11. I'm worried about them as well.

I feel like I should be more emotional, but I can't. Does this make me a bad person? I thought things were gonna get better this year. For everyone. I had that feeling, but life is still going out of its way to make sh!t tougher.

I should just try and get some sleep and I guess I'll find out what happened tomorrow.

Update: He made it through surgery. They're patching him up and he's going in to ICU.
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Well-known Member
Hmm, realistic open worlds and riding horses must be the new fashion in video games.

I hate open worlds in videogames XD. But what is worse is that some people (other people) think that lineal games become "antiquated". :banghead::D


Well-known Member
I hate open worlds in videogames XD. But what is worse is that some people (other people) think that lineal games become "antiquated". :banghead::D
Well boo to them, just because something was popular in past, doesn't mean we should advocate for it becoming a thing of the past. Besides, I have problems with orientation in space, so open world is actually a terrible thing to me.


the horror was for love
I don't know what to think or feel right now. Is this bad?

My uncle, who can be a bit of a pr!ck, attempted suicide. Apparently he stabbed himself in the chest and stomach. Right now he's in surgery, and it's not looking so good. I may not like him, but I do love him as at one time we were pretty close. But his drinking and issues drove a wedge in between us that I've never been able to let go completely.

I'm preparing myself for the worst case scenario, but I don't know about everyone else. Especially my grandma who has enough medical issues as is and can't afford to be stressed. He's also got two small kids. My cousins are only 6 and 11. I'm worried about them as well.

I feel like I should be more emotional, but I can't. Does this make me a bad person? I thought things were gonna get better this year. For everyone. I had that feeling, but life is still going out of its way to make sh!t tougher.

I should just try and get some sleep and I guess I'll find out what happened tomorrow.

Update: He made it through surgery. They're patching him up and he's going in to ICU.

It's not bad that you don't feel more emotional about it. Everyone handles stuff like this differently. For instance, every time mum goes to the hospital, everyone in my family treats me like I'm made of glass and I ought to be breaking down every five minutes, but I usually just...go one with things; don't really feel much at all. It's not because I don't love her, it's just how I deal with the situation. So, in my book, it doesn't make you a bad person, at all.

I hate open worlds in videogames XD. But what is worse is that some people (other people) think that lineal games become "antiquated". :banghead::D
Well boo to them, just because something was popular in past, doesn't mean we should advocate for it becoming a thing of the past. Besides, I have problems with orientation in space, so open world is actually a terrible thing to me.

I like both, tbh, but for entirely different reasons. I like "linear" games for plot and open world games cuz I'm a nosy little witch and I love exploring and it really ticks me off when I can't explore. *I had a rant here, but I eated--I mean, deleted it.**omnomnom* Sorry for butting in. *creeps away*

Hmm...71% complete...I bet I could finish that today.... *should probably go to bed*

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
@Chancey289 I'm sorry to hear that about your uncle. :( And it's just like pepodmc and Shadow said--you can't force feelings, and however you are feeling is just how you cope. I think society has driven it into our heads that unless we're bawling our eyes out over these things, there must be something wrong with us.

There isn't anything wrong with the way you react, or your lack of reaction. Anyway, I hope the healing process goes well....and I hope things will start turning around for the better for you and your family.

CT: Well, there was no real productivity yesterday; more editing, but no time during the day to continue on with the chapter. By the time I did have some peace and quiet, was too tired. Must make up for it today.


Well-known Member
It's so hard to write when real world logic clashes with video game logic. In real life identical twins have same voices, in video games they don't. But now I'm writing something where a character needs to make a comment on his brother's voice and... it's like I'm hitting a wall with how exactly to do it. That blasted overly-logical brain of mine... :rolleyes:

Identical twins are brothers. And brothers always compete with each other. * thinks about THAT scene from DmC Devil May Cry.*


Fake Geek Girl.
I found out more about the whole situation. Turns out he stabbed himself 8 times and it was because his ex wife filed a false police report getting the SWAT team to try and raid his house. He's still in ICU, and we don't know what's going to happen.

However, I saw his ex wife on facebook posting bible verses acting like nothing's going on. Are. You. F#cking. Kidding. Me.

Hope it was worth it, because she's not getting away with this. She's incredibly naive to think there won't be any consequences after this stunt. A detective is supposed to be coming speak with people in our family today.


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
just saw your post chance ,sorry to hear hope he recovers.You may have fallen out with him but family still holds meaning.You don't have to like them but human nature means you care, my older brother tried this a couple of years back.The scare gave him a wakeup call , he quit boozing and went to counceling.He is a happier and better man now.I hope your uncle pulls through and seeks help.


For Sanguinius!
Woop! Toady is my Birthday! X3 I can't wait to get some ice cream cake and celibate with my family. It'll be something nice to do since last week was very rough. I can't believe I'm 25.:eek::cautious::bored: don't feel old nor do I look it. The say I look between 15 0r 18. lol Oh well, hopefully it will be a god day. :cool:

Dante: Happy Birthday, kid. May you have a crazy party! :cool:

Rock on!:tongue:


Fake Geek Girl.
Woop! Toady is my Birthday! X3 I can't wait to get some ice cream cake and celibate with my family. It'll be something nice to do since last week was very rough. I can't believe I'm 25.:eek::cautious::bored: don't feel old nor do I look it. The say I look between 15 0r 18. lol Oh well, hopefully it will be a god day. :cool:

Dante: Happy Birthday, kid. May you have a crazy party! :cool:

Rock on!:tongue:
Happy birthday.
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