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It's been ages since I've been on. Looks like a lot has changed. *grabs a megaphone* HEEEEEEYYYYY YYUAAAAALLLL I'M BAAAAAACKKKK! *drop kicks megaphone*
weeeell weeeell weeeell, look who it is. welcome back my friend.

CT: i do not know... I wanna play mass effect 3... dem Turians.
Woot, writing is magic and I love it! Going to keep going.

And my niece is going to London to study.:eek::'( She is growing up so fast. It makes me happy and jelly. That is why In need to get my acted together and get my things in order and go back to school. I'm going to try to do something with computer 3d animation, as well as writing. Something that will make me better at what I love doing. And business administration. I can never go wrong with that.( ̄ー ̄)
I'm thinking of making a thread about these self-proclaimed, "Nice Guys". (I think you guys and gals know what kind of people I'm talking about.)

Or at least something based off of them.
The ones who go out of their way to try and say they're a nice guy, are usually not nice guys. They're also the ones who usually complain about being friendzoned which is one of the stupidest concepts ever. A girl is not some love giving vending machine you feed with compliments. To think that women owe you something like a romantic relationship just because you're being nice, makes you an a$$hole. Nothing more, nothing less.
@Malik Robinson @Chancey289 Topics about these types of guys (the supposed "white knights", the ones that befriend and defend a girl in hopes of getting something from them) seem to be cropping up a lot, lately. Definitely go for it--I could vent about an a-hole or two. ;)

CT: Okay, sloooowly getting back into writing after a week of headache-inducing holiday madness. Just combing through Chapter Ten to help me get a start on Chapter Eleven.

Hopefully...this is going to be a really agonizing process, I can just tell.
I'm pretty good. I've been really busy with college and my new job, so I hadn't had time for anything until recently.
hmm, I always seem to have time. The only time I don't have time is the time of Christmas. But that is just two days. Then again I have no job and college is 3 times a week.
So, when I was doing research for my thread based off of "Nice Guys", I found this little thing, and I felt the need to share a little.
This also further confirms my suspicion that the Nice problem isn't just a "Me Generation" thing.
And yes only, "based off of", because there isn't a lot to say about these kind of people.

"You have a lot to learn, young man. I'm 54, let me tell you the score. If you think women really want a nice guy who treats her with respect, you are in for a sound ball crushing. They ****ing hate that. If I had a dollar for every time a woman said to me "you are too nice".... I could retire. They love to hang out, use you to help them move, fix their car, loan them money, take them out. But then they go bang the nearest ****ing asshole they can find. Anyone over 30 knows this. Women cannot stand a man that respects them more than they respect themselves. And women don't respect themselves at all... that's why everything about them is fake.... hair, nails, boobs, fish lips, butt pads in clothes, shoes that add 6 inches in height, fake tan... on and on. They loathe themselves, as they are naturally. So if you love them, they hate you. You will see one day, best of luck with your sore balls."

Look at the self-entitlement and stupidity.
Look at it!
So, when I was doing research for my thread based off of "Nice Guys", I found this little thing, and I felt the need to share a little.
This also further confirms my suspicion that the Nice problem isn't just a "Me Generation" thing.
And yes only, "based off of", because there isn't a lot to say about these kind of people.

"You have a lot to learn, young man. I'm 54, let me tell you the score. If you think women really want a nice guy who treats her with respect, you are in for a sound ball crushing. They ****ing hate that. If I had a dollar for every time a woman said to me "you are too nice".... I could retire. They love to hang out, use you to help them move, fix their car, loan them money, take them out. But then they go bang the nearest ****ing asshole they can find. Anyone over 30 knows this. Women cannot stand a man that respects them more than they respect themselves. And women don't respect themselves at all... that's why everything about them is fake.... hair, nails, boobs, fish lips, butt pads in clothes, shoes that add 6 inches in height, fake tan... on and on. They loathe themselves, as they are naturally. So if you love them, they hate you. You will see one day, best of luck with your sore balls."

Look at the self-entitlement and stupidity.
Look at it!
speaking of all this "Nice Guy" talk this insanely on topic Dose of Buckly video came out to day
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@Malik Robinson So glad I don't fit into that category; I like many "types", and I do like genuine nice guys...however, I prefer assertive males; not a-holes, but a guy who knows what he wants, someone who stands on equal ground, not higher or lower.

However yes, your point stands--women can be just as bad as guys for this garbage, the using and abusing ****e.

CT: I think my brain is sabotaging me; I should be working on Chapter Eleven, but for some reason, I'm in character bio mode, which has just gone from, "I'll work on the members of the Reg. Force" to, "maybe I should write up a full list of the gods that may or may not appear in my story, and decide which ones are benevolent, which are indifferent, and which ones are working alongside (or controlling) my antagonists, aside from the one I already have".

Ugh...if I get at least a portion of this sorted out, maybe, just maybe, I can start on eleven...