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I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I hope you feel better soon, Veebs! (Bad take-out?)

CT: Hmm...Code Geass is pretty decent, so far.

Thanks Rebel :3 I don't eat take-away food (it gives me acid reflux). From what I've read online, it's because of stress (it's called Gastritis, it's inflammation of the stomach lining). It's taken a week to happen though. Parents arguing, thunder & lightning/bad weather, waiting for a parcel and, a few other things (I'm okay with lightning, it's just the thunder, plus, they've forecast more for this week).

Ooh, the room starting spinning then... :dead:

CT: Ah, mah tongue hurts... why did I get out of bed...:shifty:


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
The animal hospital we took Jinx to (and that we've been taking Sug and Stilts to) sent me a card saying they were sorry for us losing Jinx. Their entire office even signed it. :'( That was so sweet of them. *huglz card and sobs*

Our Vets sent us a card when Tom was put to sleep (I think it was just signed 'From all of the staff').

CT: I have an awesome kitty. Tilly is like my second mum. I asked her for a hug last night and got one (she isn't usually a cat that gives out hugs) and she killed a spider. She's my 'night-time mum' lol

I'm so tired :'(. I'm also very fed up of going into the bathroom :vomit:
Do I eat, don't I eat?

Back to Blender...

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Still tired, but at least the headache is gone (thank you, Advil).

Dishes and laundry, why you no do yourselves?

Yay, new character bios, which means I can actually move forward with those chapter plots, again (it only took four days of hemming and hawing over them).

Why haven't I wrapped up Chapter Five yet? I have maybe...2, 3 more pages to type for it. So, why am I stalling? Sorry Stephen King, but I don't think doing ten pages a day is possible for all of us. :unsure:


Oldschool DMC fan
Still tired, but at least the headache is gone (thank you, Advil).

Dishes and laundry, why you no do yourselves?

Yay, new character bios, which means I can actually move forward with those chapter plots, again (it only took four days of hemming and hawing over them).

Why haven't I wrapped up Chapter Five yet? I have maybe...2, 3 more pages to type for it. So, why am I stalling? Sorry Stephen King, but I don't think doing ten pages a day is possible for all of us. :unsure:

haha, I always pictured him just like reeling stuff off like a cat with toilet roll if he can get a 400-1000 page MS done and dusted within a year.

I don't think it's the amount that's important, but whether you can nail a scene or an exchange. don't worry about the word count.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
haha, I always pictured him just like reeling stuff off like a cat with toilet roll if he can get a 400-1000 page MS done and dusted within a year.

I don't think it's the amount that's important, but whether you can nail a scene or an exchange. don't worry about the word count.

Holy sh*t, you changed your avi; I don't think I've ever seen your name without the modernized Ieyasu above it. O_O Incidentally, who's this character? :)

Yeah, I know, eh? I actually just read through this yesterday http://www.businessinsider.com/stephen-king-on-how-to-write-2014-7 and all I could think was, "Um, finish my first draft in 3 months? Bahahahaha!" For one, I would have to be consistently working on this chronologically without even once editing it, for that to happen...and well, I can't do it. It just doesn't happen. :p There is no first draft, at this point--there's draft six for chapter four and draft two for chapter one and two...but I can't say the entirety of what I've got is one or the other. xD How he does it, I've no clue...but you're right, I figure; one method doesn't fit all, right?


Oldschool DMC fan
Holy sh*t, you changed your avi; I don't think I've ever seen your name without the modernized Ieyasu above it. O_O Incidentally, who's this character? :)

Toji from NGE. totally failed at doing work earlier :whistle:

Yeah, I know, eh? I actually just read through this yesterday http://www.businessinsider.com/stephen-king-on-how-to-write-2014-7 and all I could think was, "Um, finish my first draft in 3 months? Bahahahaha!" For one, I would have to be consistently working on this chronologically without even once editing it, for that to happen...and well, I can't do it. It just doesn't happen. :p There is no first draft, at this point--there's draft six for chapter four and draft two for chapter one and two...but I can't say the entirety of what I've got is one or the other. xD How he does it, I've no clue...but you're right, I figure; one method doesn't fit all, right?

the dude is on a 40 yr roll... he might be one of those people that starts work on new stuff while they're finishing off a book... probably wasn't like that when he started out though. he's been doing it so long he can probably do it in his sleep. maybe there's hope I can get anywhere near as efficient as that (yeah, right :p) in about another 40 yrs...

3 months. so he doesn't leave the room for that long, basically? writing takes me a long time. I have no idea how you crank out a tome in 3 months. wonder if his speed has something to do with his success.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Toji from NGE. totally failed at doing work earlier :whistle:

:laugh: You're not alone.

the dude is on a 40 yr roll... he might be one of those people that starts work on new stuff while they're finishing off a book... probably wasn't like that when he started out though. he's been doing it so long he can probably do it in his sleep. maybe there's hope I can get anywhere near as efficient as that (yeah, right :p) in about another 40 yrs...

Lol! You've got a point, there. :p I don't know if anyone can be quite as efficient, but don't worry, you'll make your own, personal progress in that regard. ;)

3 months. so he doesn't leave the room for that long, basically? writing takes me a long time. I have no idea how you crank out a tome in 3 months. wonder if his speed has something to do with his success.

No idea if he owes his success to it, but that's just for the first draft; then he goes on to say that, once the first draft is done, you should take a six-week breather; that way, when you return to perform the editing, you'll have an easier time tuning up whatever needs it, filling in glaring plot holes, etc. Too bad he didn't say how long it takes him to write a book, from start to finish, including the polishing process--that would have been nice, lol.


Oldschool DMC fan
I figure he must manage it in a year since there was about a year gap between the last one we talked about and Dr. Sleep? and looking at his list there's some years he seems to have a book out per year. must be a faster process because he can't really do wrong by his publishers he's so established, so the editing and the final stages probably don't take so long. seems like he averages a book every 1-2 years, and he seems to get faster with time.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I've made a few blender cycle renders pics... I cannot be ar$3d to upload them :( I've not been able to do a Nite cycle render pic, her hair is in too many pieces.

I don't get this 'list good friends' obsession on Deviant Art... I'd only have about 4 or 5 on mine. I'd probably get notes saying, "Why aren't I on there?"
My reply would be, "For the same reason I'm not on yours. I don't kiss your butt, fave your work, do work for you or, give you gifts... like I said... Kiss your butt".

I'm soooo tired. :(


Oldschool DMC fan
$850 a page for some concept art? $850?! Dude, I just want some little sketches that could be squeezed onto a page, not anything huge and important. Why is everyone on dA so expensive? >_<

+ Omnomnom, green tea ice cream.
++ *writewritewrite*

most people are way cheaper than that on DA. are you asking one of the 'big guns'? :p that's too much for a page of sketches though, even for a seasoned pro. that's what, like a day's work/two days' at most? that's more like a rate for a novel cover or advertising.


the horror was for love
most people are way cheaper than that on DA. are you asking one of the 'big guns'? :p that's too much for a page of sketches though, even for a seasoned pro. that's what, like a day's work/two days' at most? that's more like a rate for a novel cover or advertising.

True, but it seems like a lot of them are out of open commission slots by the time I find them. T-T Tbh, the person I was looking into isn't super popular (I think they've had a couple DDs, but not a ton of watchers--sorry for lack of remembering perfectly, almost twelve hours of trying to ignore scary prices has muddled my brain, LOL), but I liked their art style. What had me shocked is the price because (apart from this one guy who charges $3500-$5000 for these enormous digital landscapes) I've never seen such a high price for a page-sized commission before. ._. *just wanted a couple of her characters and their office's interior roughly sketched and is now trying to convince herself that Sims versions are good enough* @_@
...do you accept commissions? *now curious* >_> *guiltily hides under a rock* Also, I love your avy. He was an awesome character. XD

Nabisco is cruel. 3 Oreos is a serving? Not that I usually pay attention to the serving size of cookies, but still. 3 Oreos. ._. Who eats 3 Oreos?
+ Just discovered chocolate chip cookies in one of our cookie jars. Homemade by the look of them. Problem is: I don't remember the last time I made cookies. ._.
++ Curry makes the house smell good. ^^


Oldschool DMC fan
True, but it seems like a lot of them are out of open commission slots by the time I find them. T-T Tbh, the person I was looking into isn't super popular (I think they've had a couple DDs, but not a ton of watchers--sorry for lack of remembering perfectly, almost twelve hours of trying to ignore scary prices has muddled my brain, LOL), but I liked their art style. What had me shocked is the price because (apart from this one guy who charges $3500-$5000 for these enormous digital landscapes) I've never seen such a high price for a page-sized commission before. ._. *just wanted a couple of her characters and their office's interior roughly sketched and is now trying to convince herself that Sims versions are good enough* @_@

I reckon such a price is pretty rare on DA too. I'd expect that from like a more famous artist, unless whoeever you mean is also well-known outside of DA... to be honest what usually happens is if the artist is doing fairly well and in demand, they whack the price right up to put people off asking so much. then if someone does say sure, I'll pay that, they'd probably accept it.

...do you accept commissions? *now curious* >_> *guiltily hides under a rock* Also, I love your avy. He was an awesome character. XD
I do. ;> what do you need? I could give you a quote if you let me know the detail in PM or something. ^^ my rates aren't anywhere near those guys, lol.

ah yeah, I just got done reading his final part of the manga, bit different from the TV anime, they were pretty harsh on Toji either way. :<


One way to get yourself shot
Nabisco is cruel. 3 Oreos is a serving? Not that I usually pay attention to the serving size of cookies, but still. 3 Oreos. ._. Who eats 3 Oreos?
+ Just discovered chocolate chip cookies in one of our cookie jars. Homemade by the look of them. Problem is: I don't remember the last time I made cookies. ._.
++ Curry makes the house smell good. ^^

I've always thought serving sizes were ridiculous, the idea that anyone would eat JUST THREE Oreos is absurd.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Mum's looking at me 'cuz I'm making funny noises... It's not my fault, I'm just doing what my brain tells me to.

I shouldn't have eaten that ice cream... I'm soooo thirsty.

Found out what made me so ill... carrots... yes, you've read that right, carrots. My mum has been taking the mickey out of me since she found out.

Wow, those are pretty expensive games... *faints*

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
My mum has been taking the mickey out of me since she found out.

I swear to god, I love this expression. xD Sadly, I can't get away with using it, since the two times I have, no one knew what I meant.

CT: *Enter euphoria* Well, hallo there, good mood! Perhaps you and I can be productive today, and then celebrate with a bowl of mint chocolate chip for our efforts? Yes, that sounds good to me! :D
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